Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

I have no issues with you posting opinion pieces. As such I will continue to respectfully post my opinions.
Difference is the opinion piece you posted is based upon an already disproven conspiracy theory as in "NO EVIDENCE after more than a year of Republican Congressional investigations. The opinion piece I posted is based upon indisputable facts. You and your kind will never understand so I'll just keep reminding you that you are citing bullshit while I am not..
Difference is the opinion piece you posted is based upon an already disproven conspiracy theory as in "NO EVIDENCE after more than a year of Republican Congressional investigations. The opinion piece I posted is based upon indisputable facts. You and your kind will never understand so I'll just keep reminding you that you are citing bullshit while I am not..
Ok, bye now.
Run a fair primary and vote Trump out is the way to do it.
since trump is completely shameless and void of any dignity, humility & honesty he just simply ought to do the one right thing he has yet to do during his whole contemptible life and that would be to resign in disgrace which is the one thing he has been better than most at being...but it wont happen because he is a despicable being consumed by a miserable sense of false misplaced pride.
Yet you do agree with Trump killing babies at the border.

And you disagree with the concept of women claiming the right to make their own healthcare choices without government intervention.

Trumpkins are walking contradictions. It's OK though, we'll survive you. Old men like you have months to maybe a few years before being rendered into the equivalent of turnips when dementia fully takes hold.
totally outside of politics, you have this thing about getting do realize if you don't get old...that = losing at life?....
old people were smart enough and tough enough to survive that long...something young people have not proven yet...
and not every old person is a conservative fool...some of them are liberal fools...and a very few aren't fools at all.
in some ways i feel like exactly the same person i've been since i was 18, and in some ways, i feel like a totally different person about every 5 years...
Those 40% trouble me......I thought america was much brighter than that. We are in trouble
i've been telling you all, all this time...get A good candidate, or the same shit will happen again...and now we've got biden, bernie, and about 50 more vote splitters......pray for a lone gunman....because the democratic party can't pull it's fucking head out of it's ass long enough to see the cliff it's stumbling over...
Report is out. Happy reading. I’m jammed with work today so look forward to juicy snippets being posted.
totally outside of politics, you have this thing about getting do realize if you don't get old...that = losing at life?....
old people were smart enough and tough enough to survive that long...something young people have not proven yet...
and not every old person is a conservative fool...some of them are liberal fools...and a very few aren't fools at all.
in some ways i feel like exactly the same person i've been since i was 18, and in some ways, i feel like a totally different person about every 5 years...

"Losing at life" = living 50-70 years only to end up vulnerable to right wing propaganda, touting Trump's lies as fact and supporting white nationalism.
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Ok, bye now.

I’ve had screen down & just reading but this I found unbelievable even though FAR from the most important thing. Sarah Sanders told special counsel that her slander of Comey (rank & file FBI had lost confidence) was a “slip of the tongue” and was not founded on anything. Liars.
1:08 PM · Apr 18, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

Preet Bharara


Replying to
I don’t have the time to look now, but I believe Sanders persisted in this “slip of the tongue.” They all lie. Lie. Lie.
Well, well,

Not surprised but nice to have suspicions confirmed.

Trump campaign interacted with Russian government agents more than 100 times what we know of.

The Attorney General Said There Was 'No Collusion.' But Trump Associates Still Interacted With Russians More Than 100 Times

investigators have found that Trump and at least 17 of his campaign officials and advisors had more than 100 contacts between Trump associates and Russians, belying the campaign’s November 2016 claim that “there was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”

What do you think they were talking about? Blini recipes? Or perhaps where to go for a good meal in Moscow? Shared some tunes? I think we have the right know what they talked about. Maybe we can get a cookbook out of it.
Barr obviously has some trouble with credibility to put it mildly.
i've been telling you all, all this time...get A good candidate, or the same shit will happen again...and now we've got biden, bernie, and about 50 more vote splitters......pray for a lone gunman....because the democratic party can't pull it's fucking head out of it's ass long enough to see the cliff it's stumbling over...
Seems almost premeditated