Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

This is a Horrible Report for Trump.

So Where is the Fake News now Trumper's ?

If you stand behind this Lair Now, You're either a Russian and surely not an American.

The funny thing is, Is how the title says how is the media going to discredit Trump now. Well you have your answer. They don't have too.
You knew all along huh? Are you saying Mueller lacked the authority to reach a conclusion on obstruction, but not conspiracy? You must have known that at the beginning of the investigation and voiced that tidbit here?

Seemed like a cop-out to me.
Re-read my post. I didn't say what you claimed. At least get it right before you start citing what I said.

I said we were headed this way all along. I have been saying that almost from day one. I didn't say I KNEW anything in detail, just that the standard to prove conspiracy is very difficult to meet. I also said I hoped I was wrong. Turns out I wasn't.

That said, the investigation was important because the US public has the right and the need to know what happened during the last Presidential election. There is tons of evidence that Trump and his campaign communicated frequently with agents for the Russian government while that hostile foreign power was actively working to influence the election for Trump. A reasonable person can conclude from these FACTS that Trump is guilty as all hell while accepting that he won't be charged.

I never believed that OJ was innocent either.
Re-read my post. I didn't say what you claimed. At least get it right before you start citing what I said.

I said we were headed this way all along. I have been saying that almost from day one. I didn't say I KNEW anything in detail, just that the standard to prove conspiracy is very difficult to meet. I also said I hoped I was wrong. Turns out I wasn't.

That said, the investigation was important because the US public has the right and the need to know what happened during the last Presidential election. There is tons of evidence that Trump and his campaign communicated frequently with agents for the Russian government while that hostile foreign power was actively working to influence the election for Trump. A reasonable person can conclude from these FACTS that Trump is guilty as all hell while accepting that he won't be charged.

I never believed that OJ was innocent either.

Defending trump is just polishing shit


Donald Trump's written responses were "inadequate," special counsel's report says/ MORE THAN 30 TIMES HE DIDN’T REMEMBER THE EVENTS IN QUESTION... BUT, ON OCTOBER 25 2017 HE SAID: «I HAVE ONE OF THE GREATEST MEMORIES OF ALL-TIME».


The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” the report said.
no underlying crime? then why did Mueller go to the trouble to point out that this report "did not exonerate trump."...?
there were over 100 meetings between trump employs and russians known to be involved in our political system...that doesn't seem like a situation that might merit investigation to you?
if this seems like a warrentless investigation to you, or one that in any way clears trump, then we see things so radically different that we must be from different dimensions.....
Correct, there was no underlying crime of collusion or conspiring with Russians to win the election. The purpose of the probe. Keep up with me.