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Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Why didnt you pop the beans from heisen?
The first pack wouldn't germinate.

The other two went in the trash.
The replacement pack will also be thrown away.

Heisen actually wants people to grow his beans, so tossing them in the trash makes me feel warm & fuzzy inside. (:
-- edit --
Oops almost forgot -- one bridezilla actually sprouted and was doing great in a tall peat.

It's now in the compost bin. :twisted:
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Well-Known Member
Idk I'm not on chuckers. He talked mad shit. And was to much of a pussy to even let me reply. They banned me. Lmfao. Hes jus like logic. And hes site security is a joke. I wouldnt put anything on there you dont want anyone knowing about. And that's all I'm gonna say about it. I've heard heathen ordered a bunch and hasnt got anything yet. The only thing I was interested in was black bananas. But I jus got them from solfire. The real deal. And to say theres no cross contamination is beyond laughable. To think that every grain of pollen Is killed before put back in that room. Hes fuckn crazy. If you all remember two years ago. He was asking grow questions. Now hes a master breeder. Lmfao. And to go into business with a different kind of thief I'm good on that.


Well-Known Member
I just read your last few posts and you're still the king of assumptions.

I'm unhappy because you hurt my feelings???

I was gonna run those beans you sent me, but I honestly don't want to have anything to do with you.
Good luck with your pending nuptial -- and thanks for being childless. :clap:

Hugs & Kisses
Your unhappiness is a mystery to me but it doesn't take a rocket genius to know you're not happy. Happy or mentally stable individuals don't behave the way you are. I'd take a break from the internet, it's not doing you any good.

It's funny you thank me for not having a kid when yours are doing oh so well. I wouldn't be raising addicts. I would give them much love and many coping mechanisms so they wouldn't be drawn to smack or whatever your daughter's escape of choice is. Must've been a wonderful childhood you provided.

I'm gonna put you on ignore since you're not one to provide much valuable content.


Well-Known Member
Idk I'm not on chuckers. He talked mad shit. And was to much of a pussy to even let me reply. They banned me. Lmfao. Hes jus like logic. And hes site security is a joke. I wouldnt put anything on there you dont want anyone knowing about. And that's all I'm gonna say about it. I've heard heathen ordered a bunch and hasnt got anything yet. The only thing I was interested in was black bananas. But I jus got them from solfire. The real deal. And to say theres no cross contamination is beyond laughable. To think that every grain of pollen Is killed before put back in that room. Hes fuckn crazy. If you all remember two years ago. He was asking grow questions. Now hes a master breeder. Lmfao. And to go into business with a different kind of thief I'm good on that.
You got put in time out for threatening physical violence.

We've all seen you go off the rails too many times to ignore it.

Hopefully you and chunkster can get the help you need.


Well-Known Member
It's funny you thank me for not having a kid when yours are doing oh so well. I wouldn't be raising addicts. I would give them much love and many coping mechanisms so they wouldn't be drawn to smack or whatever your daughter's escape of choice is. Must've been a wonderful childhood
I think what cs said to you was a low blow,this is too.lots of kids who were raised "right" get caught up in addiction,not necessarily the parents fault or lack of parenting. (Sometimes too much parenting and love can do this as well imo) you all need to just stop replying to eachother lol.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you just bounce to the dick riders section at chuckers. If you rip me off. And I find you. An ass whipping is in store. Period. If you dont want your ass kicked. Dont rip people off. Plain n simple. It's called being not a piece of shit person.

Edit: I dont work the way I do to just give money away just bc. How about you buy a light from me. And I'll just send you shit. Then I'll give you store credit. To only use with me. Then just say fuck your store credit. I dont owe you anything. Since according to you that's not a problem.
I expect when I pay for something that I get the product in return. Yeah how dare me. Gtfoh

Didnt you just cancel orders for lights that people pre-paid you for because you couldnt get along with someone who had NOTHING to do with those paid orders?


Well-Known Member
Didnt you just cancel orders for lights that people pre-paid you for because you couldnt get along with someone who had NOTHING to do with those paid orders?
I canceled one order he sent a quarter of the payment. And I refunded every cent the minute I cancelled it thanks though for tryna call me out. But that's one thing I dont do is rip people off. And he wanted to send multiple payments here n there. Yeah I cancelled it. Dont you have some bastards to grow. Lol.
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Well-Known Member
Didnt you just cancel orders for lights that people pre-paid you for because you couldnt get along with someone who had NOTHING to do with those paid orders?
He talked shit. Why would I build a light for someone that talked shit. And I only cancelled one order. So maybe you should know what your talking about before try to be cool. You can go the same place as the other dude.


Well-Known Member
So much drama in the world today.

That's bc every one wants to stick their nose where it dont belong. Especially when they havent a clue as to what happened. They jus try to make other people look bad. Just like hydro just tried. He hasnt a clue. But still had to put his two pesos in..


Well-Known Member
Who i build lights for is none of your concern or anyone elses. Other than me the person I'm building it for.

Not bein a dick but if that's how you feel it shouldn't be put out there for others to see.Unfortunately the world don't operate that way.ANYTHING you or i or joe blow puts up in writing on these interwebs is going to attract a response.....positive or negative.I think you're aware i'm fairly quiet.......helps keep the drama outta my life.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
That's the perks of what I do. I dont have to build any one I dont want a light. But good try.
Just put the Heisen nut swingers on ignore.

No doubt Q is having a meltdown in an effort to defend his unprofessional friend -- but I don't have to see it!

Highly recommended. :bigjoint:
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