Bernie Sanders 2020

So does using Google to fact check obvious propaganda spread by your favorite demagogues apparently.

I'm sorry, did you just call somebody a fraud? Now that's funny.


Yet another post completely devoid of argument or intellect.
I'm not your friend, Guy!


OK. Just say you're against universal college. Fair enough. Your reasoning is bad, but OK..
I'm all for paying for higher education for students. In case you don't know what that word means, here is a common definition:

  1. a person who is studying at a school or college.
    synonyms: undergraduate, postgraduate, scholar, tutee; More
    • denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession.
      modifier noun: student
      "a group of student nurses"
      synonyms: trainee, apprentice, probationer, recruit, novice, learner, mentee, beginner; More

    • a person who takes an interest in a particular subject.
      "a student of the free market"

I think an academic requirement is appropriate before funding a stay at a 4-year college. We can talk about what that should be but a kid who sleeps through his high school classes should at least show they can study in JC first. Junior Colleges are a good investment too. The kid has to show they will work to learn. That's the job of a student. A lot of kids don't want to go on to a four-year either. For people who show proficiency in academics, I'd be all in for free housing and stipend along with paying for their education. People who can't make the grade should find something else to do.
Yes it is.

The only way you make any sense at all is if you're a DNC consultant. Since you spend all your time here that can't be true.
I'm all for paying for higher education for students. In case you don't know what that word means, here is a common definition:

  1. a person who is studying at a school or college.
    synonyms: undergraduate, postgraduate, scholar, tutee; More
    • denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession.
      modifier noun: student
      "a group of student nurses"
      synonyms: trainee, apprentice, probationer, recruit, novice, learner, mentee, beginner; More

    • a person who takes an interest in a particular subject.
      "a student of the free market"

I think an academic requirement is appropriate before funding a stay at a 4-year college. We can talk about what that should be but a kid who sleeps through his high school classes should at least show they can study in JC first. Junior Colleges are a good investment too. The kid has to show they will work to learn. That's the job of a student. A lot of kids don't want to go on to a four-year either. For people who show proficiency in academics, I'd be all in for free housing and stipend along with paying for their education. People who can't make the grade should find something else to do.

I'll also add, the DNC couldn't afford me. You see, I worked hard at learning in college and a good education pays.
He's renamed two post offices.

That is all he has ever accomplished in his political lifetime.
Do you believe that's an honest criticism of his career in political office or a reflection of how bad our political system as a whole is?

Off the top of my head. Walk with me..

-worked for CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) & SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) pre civil rights
-100% voting record from NAACP
-participated in MLK’s Civil Rights March in 1963 (one of two sitting US Senators)
-former professor of political science at Harvard
-cofounded the progressive caucus in congress
-voted against the first gulf war
-he got more amendments passed than anyone else during a few sessions in the House
-voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996
-voted against deregulating banks in 1999 that eventually led to the economic crisis in 2008
-voted against the USA Patriot Act
-voted against the war in Iraq that led to hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi deaths, 5,000 Americans, and $7.5 trillion
-publicly supported LGBTQ rights in the 1980s
-has championed M4A since 2015, resulting in it becoming a mainstream requirement for Democrats vying for the 2020 nomination
-earned workers at Amazon, Disney, McDonalds and other fast food chains a living wage, in the range of 1,000,000 people..

He has accomplished all that and much more by being a member of congress with virtually zero support. The thing is, that people like you unfortunately don't seem to understand is twofold. 1. You can't accomplish much by way of legislation without support. 2. You can't garner ssupport in congress without placating investors.

Sanders doesn't placate investors because his investors are you and me. Not big business. His accomplishments primarily lie outside of legislation because most legislators are objectively corrupt. Most legislation protects the status quo.

But to ignore the mans accomplishments, and frame it in a way that he's only named a couple of post offices highlights your ignorance..

There's a reason the man is so popular, and so well liked. It'd behoove anyone to find out why.
Can someone please list for me all the winning Progressives in 2018
I'm old and can only find two significant victories from the far left...Guide me to the lefts great accomplishments ?
Thank You
"Progressives don't win in a field controlled by big money!"

You don't say..

Seriously though, are those of you who actually think this is a good argument retarded?

It would seem obvious to anyone politically astute..