Ok, youve been dodgig the question for 3 pages now, I guess you dont have an answer...
That doesn't argue my point of saying that marriage was defined by religion.
Actually, I wouldn't really give a damn about their opinion.
The fact of the matter is, is that government is too intrusive, too regulatory, and too big.
The government shouldn't be trying to define marriage anyway, and the only role government has in marriage is forcing people to get marriage "licenses".
As far as judges performing marriages, those should be called civil unions. Not marriages, and thus, until the State stops calling its ceremonies marriages (thus stealing the phrase from religion) then the debate on what marriage is will still be there.
The State should stop trying to define terms that were created by others, and come up with its own terms, especially when it is going to change the definition from what those entities chose.
Though, I can not think of a religion that does not define marriage as being between a Man and a Woman.
Wicca, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, all define it in the same way.
I suppose that most of this is fair enough, however I would Imagine that it would cause a great deal of problems if everyone married in front of a judge wasn't really married.
But If religion defines marriage, thus the government has no right to stick their finger in it, then the government has no right to make any law that defines what marriage is either, in other words, then the government has no right or say to say who can marry who. So if this is all a matter of legality, then there really should be no law that says a man can't marry another man.
No, it is far, far more than just tax benefits. I guess I'll have to find that thread again.Sure why not, lets take the debate in the direction you're pushing it.
In that case why should the people that want to marry the same sex be pressing the government to define it that way?
Oh, wait, that's right, the government in its infinite wisdom decided that marriage benefits society so gave it tax breaks (I'm not saying they are wrong on it benefitting society, just wrong on giving it tax breaks.)
So, if they make it so that married people face the same hurdles as unmarried people, or unmarried people have the same benefits as married people then this entire debate is moot, because the real issue isn't the definition of marriage, but equal access to those tax benefits.
cc, did you happen to bother to read your own link on power of attorney and attorney-in-fact? I don't think you did, or you would see how it actually disproves your assertion that it is a substitute, legally, for marriage. And yes, you do have to prove your assertions of "fact", not opinion, because you are making statements as to fact. Otherwise, it appears that you shot off your big mouf without knowing what the fuck you were talking about. And it doesn't just appear that way, it is that way.
Then you move on to show state marriage requirements, none of which is really pertinent to the very real question of the making of law that, despite being in violation of state or federal Constitution, despite violating rights afforded to all individuals via the Bill of Rights, would remove specific rights from specific individuals on the basis of sexuality. We are not legally allowed to discriminate against individuals on the basis of color (oh, except for you poor, hapless white guys), creed, religion, disability, or sexuality (in other areas, for instance, you'd better be prepared to rent to a gay, or face the consequences). Yet in this one regard we are.
I had SO much more for you, a definition of obfuscation (which is what you're doing when you post that inane stuff), pictures, stories, and more definitions. None of it will sway your opinion, but it proves my assertions and backs up my argument pretty fucking well. I am so good at this, as long as the browser doesn't crash.![]()
A simple Power of Attorney would suffice to clear up many of these "lost privileges" arguments. Not all, but most.
why do you hate homos so much cco
IM a homo huh, is that supposed to be an insult cco?
even if denying gays the right to marriage was constitutional, which it isnt....why would YOU, personally, vote against gays being able to marry....how would that in anyway affect your life...answer: youre a homophobe