What did you accomplish today?

Yes, Friskies Pate'. Just poke a few holes in the cans. If you get some traps and want to check this place out, I have second electric trike you can barrow....:eyesmoke:
Thank you for the offer, with my wife's current physical limitations I am kind of restricted to staying local in order to care for her. Hopefully her condition will improve soon so she can be mobile again, hopefully. We used to use cat food cans to try to attract shrimp in Biloxi when we threw cast nets.
Why you think Im so fuckin giddy?
I come to this realization there is a need for this "work", it is appreciated, my wife supports it and I enjoy it even if Im not making any bank.

If you look at Equatorial regions there is no real change in the daylight hours as opposed to locations further away, yet the plants somehow know when it is time for them to bloom anyway. Kinda throws out the theory that a change in daylight hours is required. Edit: That could be the reason if you get the landrace strain of Columbian Gold it takes awhile to finish up, from what I have read.
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If you look at Equatorial regions there is no real change in the daylight hours as opposed to locations further away, yet the plants somehow know when it is time for them to bloom anyway. Kinda throws out the theory that a change in daylight hours is required.
I think that is the "feature" autoflower breeders target.

Plants have a circadian rhythm (if its even called that), I have flowered on a 10/10 cycle among others, IME (estimation) the bottom is 8 hrs light and if there are 8 hrs dark photoperiod cannabis will flower. I am attempting to re-veg a Santa Marta Miel de Regaliz :oops: outdoor as it was put out there on 4/20 and started to show some signs that it would so it was chopped.

Edit, cant put colon p :P in parenthesis (:P)
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I cooked them on the side, my wife prefers them without Zatarans spices.
I get that. The person "married" to my sis in law (long story) got us out to the rice fields when they were draining them and we were doing a bucket brigade pulling crawfish out of the irrigation canals grabbing them by hand. Our kids were elbows deep in the mud along with me. Got eaten alive by mosquitoes but it was worth it.
I get that. The person "married" to my sis in law (long story) got us out to the rice fields when they were draining them and we were doing a bucket brigade pulling crawfish out of the irrigation canals grabbing them by hand. Our kids were elbows deep in the mud along with me. Got eaten alive by mosquitoes but it was worth it.
I'm too old to hand pick'm now. lol The traps work too well.