Any thoughts on this: What Might Legalization Look Like Under the Conservatives?


Well-Known Member
My riding elected a Green MP yesterday

Problem is we need to replace him with someone. So far I don't see any adults running for the job. Scheer is a fucking moron, Trudeau is an idiot, Mad Max is a racist, Singh is a nobody and May is out to lunch. I can't vote for any of the fucking clowns, but I will choose the one who will take the vote away from Scheer. ABC for me.
Out of Scheer (see what i did there) curiosity, what has Bernier said or done which is racist?


Well-Known Member
Well if that happens, then tell all your friends to go medical and get more plants.
This is not legalization!!! .....It's RAPE!!!!!

If they try and take away medical patients growing?....they can try.....but that will be a tough one for them.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well if that happens, then tell all your friends to go medical and get more plants.
This is not legalization!!! .....It's RAPE!!!!!

If they try and take away medical patients growing?....they can try.....but that will be a tough one for them.
I doubt very much they would try to take away medical grows but they may try to reduce limits. I do think they may try to remove rec growing tho. The LP's fought hard to keep even the lousy 4 plant per household limit from being passed but I'm pretty sure the gov't new that would cost them the next election. Hopefully the worry about that will keep the Cons from taking that step too.

I have my medical for 12g/day but never filed with Hellth Canaduh to grow. Don't want to be on any gov't hit list. I've been growing here for almost 20 years with no problems related to growing so why draw any attention to myself.

It's not legalization it's Prohibition 2.0 and in ways much worse that v1.0. As long as a grower keeps their yap shut and isn't actively dealing then there isn't much to worry about. It's usually an intimate relationship gone bad that gets people busted so be nice to your spousal unit! :)



Well-Known Member
Ugh....I'm dreading the next election...
Me too. I was surprised and delighted when the NDP won a big majority here in Alberta back in 2015 but it went tit's up here recently with the Cons wiping out all the gains made 4 years ago. At least Ms. Notely kept her riding and is the voice of the official opposition.

Back to the old boy's club and regressive politics. :(



Well-Known Member
Whatever you do, don't follow the American example of simply accepting the least bad candidate. That's how you ended up with Trudeau...
Not a lot to choose from. In my riding there will likely only be the 3 main parties, Libs, Cons and NDP to vote for so I'll be voting NDP tho that candidate doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of wining what with them being dumped just last month. People are swing toward the Greens on the left coast but we won't likely have a Green candidate on the slate here and there is virtually no chance of them getting more than a few votes if there is.

We kept the big 4x4' sign the NDP put up in front of my house for our provincial election so maybe I can just stick it back up for the federal one. :)

I would say the 'Mericans picked the worst bad one in '16 but Killary was no prize either. It's a mess all over these days.



Well-Known Member
Getting rid of the personal grow is terrible. I hope it never comes to that. I’ll vote liberal again to ensure I get to keep my 4 plants.
I've never voted Liberal or Con and never missed a vote since I was old enough to vote. Both those parties are lying bags of shit. Maybe the NDP wouldn't be much better but I'd like it if they had a shot for once. They would be more likely to liberalize the pot laws than either of the other two.

Keep your 4 plants no matter what unless they up the penalty to life. ;)

Counting seedlings I have 13 plants on the go atm and plans for many more.


Well-Known Member
Says right in the first sentence an executive, not Bernier himself. Also let's not forget Scheers pandering to the Muslim brotherhood like Trudeau, which is a designated terrorist organization. So there's that. Gotta get those photo ops... election time is coming.
I don't recall any muslim brotherhood pandering, but okay. Let's save the conversation until at least
I'm voting Green this time IF JWR doesn't join the party. If she is a Green, I'll forget to vote that day.


Well-Known Member
I've never voted Liberal or Con and never missed a vote since I was old enough to vote. Both those parties are lying bags of shit. Maybe the NDP wouldn't be much better but I'd like it if they had a shot for once. They would be more likely to liberalize the pot laws than either of the other two.

Keep your 4 plants no matter what unless they up the penalty to life. ;)

Counting seedlings I have 13 plants on the go atm and plans for many more.
I mostly agree with you. However, what do you think of this:

Bad cannabis laws

When Canada legalized cannabis, the BC NDP passed harsh new laws to continue the stigmatization and criminalization of cannabis users.

Instead of embracing the spirit of legalization, the NDP chose to stick with the drug war mentality. They created bizarre new bans with high penalties, like three months in jail for growing your legal cannabis plant in a spot where it can be seen from the street.

The NDP also banned cannabis lounges, banned outdoor cannabis events, banned possession of “illicit cannabis,” and put in a variety of harsh penalties which are very extreme when compared to regulations and penalties around alcohol.

Like most people, a majority of NDP MLA’s have used cannabis themselves, and I know many remain current users. What hypocrisy for them to continue criminalizing and punishing people while they’re smoking “illicit cannabis” at home themselves.
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Well-Known Member
I mostly agree with you. However, what do you think of this:
That John Horgan a-hole is not typical of what I want from an NDP leader. Jack Layton had to be about the best ever and had he survived we'd most likely still have him in Ottawa steering the ship in much calmer waters.

If he was running the NDP in BC you'd probably see clinics to supply opiod addicts with safe drugs, needles and a nurse standing by to help out. Not to mention that addicts would have easier access to treatment if they finally decide they're sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. Look at Portugal now after decriminalizing all drugs almost 20 years ago. Nowhere's near the problems they had in their drug war days.

As for taking peoples homes for a few plants and making it easier is just asinine and criminal. They've always been able to do that but you had to get caught with a houseful of plants and evidence of trafficking before they would even attempt it. They would still do it even without a conviction but it was still rare.

As soon as Rachel Notly and her NDP got in here after 44 years of Con rule she immediately replaced the 100 mil the Cons took out of the education budget and upped it 10% to 110 mil. Millions more for the health system to get more doctors, nurses, mental health and hospitals. With oil dropping from $140bbl to 30 the cupboard was suddenly bare so with the low interest rates she went into hock to keep the improvements coming.

Now the Cons are back that a-hole Kenny is already promising to reduce corporate taxes start milti-billion court cases with Ottawa over the carbon tax and more to battle BC for the pipeline. All this plus a balanced budget in 4 years without raising taxes which got the idiots here to vote him in. Without raising taxes the only other way to do this is to chop services like education, health care and other things that mainly hurt the poor. Just like King Ralph did back in the 90s to appease his corporate bum buddies and keep his drunken ass in the driver's seat. I had him in my taxi 3 times back in the late 70s - early 80s. Once when he was still a reporter, once as mayor of Calgary and once as Premier. Each time they had to pour him into the back seat give me directions to his house as he was blotto, The last time his wife gave me $50 and told me to take him to the Magic Stick, (Majestic), hotel where 3 bouncers came out to get him. lol

I'm originally from the Vancouver area and was born there. Been wanting to go back as all my family is near Vansterdam or in Kelowna but it is even more f'ed up there than here plus I'd have to sell the farm and wouldn't have enough to buy back there so would be stuck in some basement suite or crappy shack and wouldn't likely be able to grow. The wife would lose her Alberta disability and in Oct I go on OAS tho that is more than I'm getting now on CPP-D. She was recently diagnosed with liver cancer so moving now is out of the question. I was planning on selling the place, giving her half and heading out on my own but can't leave until this issue is dealt with. Right now it's just a couple tiny tumors on the left lobe of the liver and may not be life threatening which is the best case scenario. My sister in Kelowna is on her second round of chemo for ovarian cancer and it ain't looking good.

Life's a bitch then you die. ;)



Well-Known Member
If people who grow are stupid enough to vote conservative when not ten years ago they were throwing mandatory minimums at us.... well then all hope is lost for that individual.

The conservative politicians were some of the very first investors in medical cannabis in Canada.

I hope this isn't going to be a repeat of the Ontario election, people will vote Turdeau out and won't think who they are voting in. It will be catastrophic for the country, these voters will regret their decision and the rest of us will suffer. But fuck ya buck a beer right? Cause that happened....

Hopefully all of Canada can take a completely uneducated stance on the carbon tax too so we kill ourselves a little faster and don't have to deal with the next government which will be even worse than the next which will be even worse than the present.

Seriously worried about this next election, at least Harper was competent. Even if I didn't agree with his policy. These are the left over losers that could never do shit until every competent conservative retired or wanted nothing to do with the lime light due to the way the party has headed in the last 10-15 years. The only hope is Bernier splits the vote and the Liberals or NDP win a minority government.

Whether yall like it or not Trudeau's probably the best option out of the 4. Singh is worse than Trudeau on every foreign relations topic, the guy is a walking controversy, regularly talks down to Canadians and refuses to denounce terrorists. Bernier is a racist idiot who uses camouflaged language to express prejudice, gotta love the pussy racists who don't say what they mean because they are terrified of the response their views will get. Scheer? Well he's a god damned joke, the guys been under constant attack since he took leadership from inside and outside the party. He's going to be sued by Trudeau for Libel because he's a fucking idiot, Bernier's attacking him for being a snake and stealing leadership. Harper had control of the conservatives. It took Scheer a week to fragment the party after assuming leadership. Not sure how anyone could even fathom voting for such an unqualified politician. Harpers biggest accomplishment was uniting conservatives in Canada, it won him elections. Scheer destroyed all of that in a fucking week and people are still thinking of voting for him? Canadians are dumb. If he can't keep his party from fragmenting how is he going to lead a country with separatists factions?

100% with OldMedUser Ontario Misses Layton so much. Jack was a treasure. He could have been a great leader. Until the boomers get over Bob Ray, or atleast acknowledge he's a liberal now, NDP doesn't stand a chance in Ontario, as ridiculous as that sounds. Bob Ray destroyed the NDP here, it's all I've heard my entire life from boomers.

Sounds like Kenny and Ford are two pea heads.


Well-Known Member
That John Horgan a-hole is not typical of what I want from an NDP leader. Jack Layton had to be about the best ever and had he survived we'd most likely still have him in Ottawa steering the ship in much calmer waters.

If he was running the NDP in BC you'd probably see clinics to supply opiod addicts with safe drugs, needles and a nurse standing by to help out. Not to mention that addicts would have easier access to treatment if they finally decide they're sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time. Look at Portugal now after decriminalizing all drugs almost 20 years ago. Nowhere's near the problems they had in their drug war days.

As for taking peoples homes for a few plants and making it easier is just asinine and criminal. They've always been able to do that but you had to get caught with a houseful of plants and evidence of trafficking before they would even attempt it. They would still do it even without a conviction but it was still rare.

As soon as Rachel Notly and her NDP got in here after 44 years of Con rule she immediately replaced the 100 mil the Cons took out of the education budget and upped it 10% to 110 mil. Millions more for the health system to get more doctors, nurses, mental health and hospitals. With oil dropping from $140bbl to 30 the cupboard was suddenly bare so with the low interest rates she went into hock to keep the improvements coming.

Now the Cons are back that a-hole Kenny is already promising to reduce corporate taxes start milti-billion court cases with Ottawa over the carbon tax and more to battle BC for the pipeline. All this plus a balanced budget in 4 years without raising taxes which got the idiots here to vote him in. Without raising taxes the only other way to do this is to chop services like education, health care and other things that mainly hurt the poor. Just like King Ralph did back in the 90s to appease his corporate bum buddies and keep his drunken ass in the driver's seat. I had him in my taxi 3 times back in the late 70s - early 80s. Once when he was still a reporter, once as mayor of Calgary and once as Premier. Each time they had to pour him into the back seat give me directions to his house as he was blotto, The last time his wife gave me $50 and told me to take him to the Magic Stick, (Majestic), hotel where 3 bouncers came out to get him. lol

I'm originally from the Vancouver area and was born there. Been wanting to go back as all my family is near Vansterdam or in Kelowna but it is even more f'ed up there than here plus I'd have to sell the farm and wouldn't have enough to buy back there so would be stuck in some basement suite or crappy shack and wouldn't likely be able to grow. The wife would lose her Alberta disability and in Oct I go on OAS tho that is more than I'm getting now on CPP-D. She was recently diagnosed with liver cancer so moving now is out of the question. I was planning on selling the place, giving her half and heading out on my own but can't leave until this issue is dealt with. Right now it's just a couple tiny tumors on the left lobe of the liver and may not be life threatening which is the best case scenario. My sister in Kelowna is on her second round of chemo for ovarian cancer and it ain't looking good.

Life's a bitch then you die. ;)

Jack Layton was an asshole. I do not speak poorly about the dead. But I met him on the streets in the Market of Ottawa. Just randomly. I was doing a unicef Halloween drive and was wearing the box. The way he treated his assistant and demeanour. So not cool.

NDP will fuck up the country beyond belief in social welfare. They wanted to make all bus fares free in Hamilton and increase the taxes. 85% of people in Hamilton are in welfare and now we giving them free busses as well and increase working people’s taxes. Just bad. 85% May be slight exaggeration.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Kenny and Ford are two pea heads.

Jason Kenny is what you get when you cross Harper with Trump. Slick on the outside but rotten to to the core and a damn sight smarter than Trump too. Very right-wing attitudes toward underprivileged and indigenous people but good at hiding it. Not so much in the past tho.

I'm not looking forward to the next four years and with any luck I'll be dead before it all goes to shit. lol
