LEC CMH leaf deficiencies


Active Member
The leaves are all droopy and yellowing followed by brown spots on the leaves. This happens when the introduction of the CMH happens. Switching fully to CMH but want to know how to remedy. This has happened on the last 3 runs. Even though the plants look like crap they still finish better than my HPS
Switch from 250mh in veg to 315cmh then 630cmh in flower
Still trying to figure out how to correct it.
630cmh 3’ From canopy.
Soil DNC and 1/3 perlite,
Recently added to soil - dnc earthworm castings, oyster shell, langbeinite integrated with soil via recommend dosage (Added these to remedy) still having issues.
Past Nutrients GO calmag and Biothrive
Jamaican guano (still had problems, all recommended dosage and feeding schedule)
65-75 temps lights on - lights off
50% rh
PH 6.5-7
Different strains, all with the same problem except c99 strain
if its yellowing all over then it could simply be that there is not enough available in the soil or a lock out.
I don't think its light or pathogen related. (but im no expert)
if its yellowing all over then it could simply be that there is not enough available in the soil or a lock out.
I don't think its light or pathogen related. (but im no expert)
I’m wondering lockout as well. Did a ph slurry test and I’m right on 7 maybe a little lower.
FWIW I have same strain running under DE HPS and CMH (both 1kW) and they eat the same. I don't believe that CMH requires a stronger or different feed than HPS. Perhaps the soil pH is off or something.
You mentioned well water … Chances are it’s hard water. Hard water can cause lock out for the nutrients. What is the ppm of the well water out of the tap ?

You may want to consider an RO system.