Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Nah I mean if my boss wants to tell on me for getting him high every day whatever lol. My worry is I’m growing illegal drugs in my home. My internet searches, my location, all come from where I grow. Couldn’t a fed easily pull “joe blows” Verizon info, etc etc etc if they had the slightest wind?

I just worry man. Don’t wanna lose my son for growing pot. Make enough money now where in theory I could buy it if getting busted is going to get me ten years in prison ya know....
hey man if you want to browse the internet semi anonymously use Tor browser, you can find more about it here ->

I've been using it for years, short of subscribing to a VPN(virtual private network service) its the next thing to staying reasonably hidden online. Also use proton mail -> for email and signal app -> for messaging between your buddies.

Privacy is a right man.


Well-Known Member
He does think I get from a dude who runs town.

OccasIonally incall my ole lady and fake that she’s “Keith” lol.

“Need a quarter pound with cheese” “bring you those five onions I owed you this weekend” etc.

To keep up good cover.
Lol . Not bad . Guess he’s the “Samson “ of the town. I couldn’t even try to push if I want to . To many dealers here. They sell the same shit basically. They don’t care about quality or what it is . As long as there’s a $ to be made it means nothin .


Well-Known Member
Lol . Not bad . Guess he’s the “Samson “ of the town. I couldn’t even try to push if I want to . To many dealers here. They sell the same shit basically. They don’t care about quality or what it is . As long as there’s a $ to be made it means nothin .
I give my boss at work an 8th a week for 45 bucks.... he’s my only customer. Then I give the babysitter about 2-3g a week to keep my boy.


Well-Known Member
hey man if you want to browse the internet semi anonymously use Tor browser, you can find more about it here ->

I've been using it for years, short of subscribing to a VPN(virtual private network service) its the next thing to staying reasonably hidden online. Also use proton mail -> for email and signal app -> for messaging between your buddies.

Privacy is a right man.
Wouldn’t click on your shit . Link probably has more viruses than a concentration camp .


Well-Known Member
Well boys..... I’m 100% switching to DWC.

My hempys reservoirs swing way too fast and I have no access to them besides continuously feeding. And if I’m doing that I may as well just have a 3-4 gallon res I can access a easily.


Well-Known Member
Well boys..... I’m 100% switching to DWC.

My hempys reservoirs swing way too fast and I have no access to them besides continuously feeding. And if I’m doing that I may as well just have a 3-4 gallon res I can access a easily.
I’d really love to look into like a table with like I don’t know 6, 8 slots in it. With a res and PH controller. But you all say different strains have different needs so

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
No dude nothing in particular. I jsit know I live in cow country with a bunch of hick rednecks around a that I highly highly doubt are growong weed..... it’s uncommon where I am. You see a pill bust every now and then but that’s about it. They’d be licking their chops for me no??
Most people consider me a hick redneck lol. We like to get high. Ever hear of Willie Nelson lol?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I thought i recognized you....

Down at the courthouse.....

Third Monkey the Kid....
It's not quite like that lol.

I just want to live my life unadultered. If I'm not hurting anyone, I don't think that's too much to ask. I would never steal or thieve, murder or rape, lie or cheat. If that's not enough for a system and it needs to violate me to the core... that's the systems problem.