Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)


Well-Known Member
If you overdo it you'll go to lockout. If you under do it you'll get a def.

Pick whichever one you want to deal with just so you can get a base lol.
Well the deficiency is getting worse as is...
but my fucking ph going in tonight no was 5.8 and the ph out was 6.7

The swing in my reservoir is happening quickly. I’m getting it reset tonight and I’m going to have to water daily to keep it within range. Way bigger pain in the ass than I’d like. lol the DWC or coco DTW hooked to drippers penny halo rings sound much better.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
It's mostly mag. Calcium is immobile, shows up in new growth. Mag and K are mobile and will usually hit the bottom to middle first, except mag. Mag will hit everywhere because it's so vital to photosynthesis.

I'm fairly for certain you have to back off on K. If you add mag, you have a good chance of locking out calcium. If you add calmag, you stand a good chance of lockout. If you back off on K, mag and cal should open back up.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Well the deficiency is getting worse as is...
but my fucking ph going in tonight no was 5.8 and the ph out was 6.7

The swing in my reservoir is happening quickly. I’m getting it reset tonight and I’m going to have to water daily to keep it within range. Way bigger pain in the ass than I’d like. lol the DWC or coco DTW hooked to drippers penny halo rings sound much better.
Did you ever check runoff ppm?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I haven’t added any nutes to anything other than ph down
Bh I saw a tiny yellow dot (might have to zoom in )
Sh still has that weird discoloration
BH, the margins are lightening up it looks like.

The SH, never seen a discoloration like that carry on.


Well-Known Member
That’s where it gets dicey . If the trio contains that . I don’t want to add to much . If I did 3 ml for the let’s say 4 gal . maybe start at 1 or 1.5 for the 4 gal ?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with calmagic, but that sounds about right.

The alternative is to bump up your feed instead. Looks like you could do that too.

Whichever you decide will be fine, just go small increments.

Your calmag should have N in it, so that'll count as an N feed too if you go that way.


Well-Known Member
Think I was at the 150 or little less ppm mark with 3 mil each . Go another .5 or 1 ml ? Only question with that is the ppm isn’t dropping really so would I burn it adding more nutes ?

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Think I was at the 150 or little less ppm mark with 3 mil each . Go another .5 or 1 ml ? Only question with that is the ppm isn’t dropping really so would I burn it adding more nutes ?
You can kick it up .5 at a time til you get a slight tip burn. Give it a day or 2 in between upping it and watch for burn. If you get a slight burn, don't sweat it. If it goes to the 2nd serration at the tip, take some out and add plain water.

Only way to know is to push them.