FresnoFarmer's 2019 Backyard Grizzy

How long do you find the ladybugs hang out before leaving
Until the food is gone lol. This time i sprayed nectar on the plants and topsoil and sprayed the ladybugs with sprite. I also put about 50-75 ladybugs on a nearby flowering shrub so they can breed there. I also sprayed that shrub with nectar. Seems to be working fine. But only time will tell.
Your dogs eat your plants? I cant turn around without my male dog trying to scarf down a plant. My female is ok with not eating them but man "TINY" eats my fucking plants whenever i turn my back. Ate the best male i had growing whenni took the wife to the hospital for an emergency one night i was choked. Was trying to keep the plant away from my girls but Tiny tool care of it. No seed making for this clown anytime
Your dogs eat your plants? I cant turn around without my male dog trying to scarf down a plant. My female is ok with not eating them but man "TINY" eats my fucking plants whenever i turn my back. Ate the best male i had growing whenni took the wife to the hospital for an emergency one night i was choked. Was trying to keep the plant away from my girls but Tiny tool care of it. No seed making for this clown anytime
Lol no. They just chill by them. I guess because as of late the plants have been getting more attention. Jealous doggies. I'm just glad i dont got cats no more. They used to shit and dig in the pots. I think they were just trying to topdress lol.
I noticed one of your holes is close to a tree. Do you ever have a problem with invasive tree roots taking the holes over?
Those aint holes. I just separated my compost into smaller piles for easier handling. It does look like I would be planting there now that you mention it haha. If i do go in ground it will be in contractor bags and the hole lined with wire mesh. I've had gophers like a mfer the past 2-3 years. And I'm going to poison a huge liquid amber stump. Dont want those poisoned roots playing with my cannabis roots .