Male or female


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you take a long time to learn....
Lol I'm not even sure what you mean by that man. Learning is a life long process, I try to never stop learning. So yes I suppose I take a long time to learn in that regard.

Intentionally choosing to watch the life cycle of a plant inorder to better understand the biology is called studying. By studying as many of these plants as possible I've gotten to see lots of interesting growth and have learned much more about my the cannabis plant. I have learned in person with my plants and friends, and I've learned from some GREAT growers on here over the years. The main reason I'm even around the site still is to pay it forward to newer growers and help them learn to better understand the biology of this amazing plant. Help them avoid some of the common new guys mistakes, and to actually pay attention to what the plants are trying to tell you.

If you for some reason think that studying a subject to have more in-depth knowledge and appreciation for it is a negative thing......then I'm sorry for you I suppose.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
If contamination is your thing.... Go with thunder boy here. Your issues can be slowed with a Heavy cleaning after your done "Learning."


Well-Known Member
If contamination is your thing.... Go with thunder boy here. Your issues can be slowed with a Heavy cleaning after your done "Learning."
lol I have NEVER had pollen "contamination" in a grow and I've been growing since 05. It takes weeks for pollen sacs to mature and open. Also pollen has a very short life when exposed to the environment around it. Simple water nicely neutralizes it and rinses it away :). But he won't ever get to that point, unless he decided he wanted to in order to learn the life cycle of these plants himself. He may decide he wants to see what female flowers look like once they are pollenated so he knows for the future. Or he may want to see the seed development and maturation process.

Most likely he will cut the male in a few days once HE is certain it is a male, since that's what most people do which is fine. I'm only saying not to be afraid of it.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
lol I have NEVER had pollen "contamination" in a grow and I've been growing since 05. It takes weeks for pollen sacs to mature and open. Also pollen has a very short life when exposed to the environment around it. Simple water nicely neutralizes it and rinses it away :). But he won't ever get to that point, unless he decided he wanted to in order to learn the life cycle of these plants himself. He may decide he wants to see what female flowers look like once they are pollenated so he knows for the future. Or he may want to see the seed development and maturation process.

Most likely he will cut the male in a few days once HE is certain it is a male, since that's what most people do which is fine. I'm only saying not to be afraid of it.
The guy is a NEW GROWER.... "KISS" should be in play for this... Don't ya think?????


Well-Known Member
The guy is a NEW GROWER.... "KISS" should be in play for this... Don't ya think?????
I pretty much always believe in KISS. I didn't suggest anything that wasn't keeping it very simple.

You seem offended that I told you not to make him paranoid. I'm not sure why exactly. You posted a picture of a plant multiple weeks into flower with the warning that "Your going to end up with Pollen all over your grow area..." which is just a silly thing to say.

All I said was he didn't need to be afraid of this one single little pollen sac. I shared some info and experiences I had, and left it in his hands. Never was it anything but simple :). Hope your having a great day though.


Well-Known Member
What a Toad... That thing "Pops" with the fan on, what happens next? While he's sitting there "Learning."
Lmao you really don't act like you've ever grown a male plant. They take a couple weeks to become ready to pollenate dude. There is no risk if he is paying any attention at all, which he obviously is because he posted this thread asking to learn the differences between males and females.


Well-Known Member
What a Toad... That thing "Pops" with the fan on, what happens next? While he's sitting there "Learning."
He learns not to point fans at plants, which greenhouse in the world does this - air exchange not wind.

New growers should learn from those with a more open mind or those with a full grasp of such subjects and whats been vastly discussed here over the years :-)


Well-Known Member
Flower the male separately, harvest the pollen, and make your own seed.
Win win for you
Anytime I have a good male I can flower out I consider it a blessing.


Well-Known Member
The guy is a NEW GROWER.... "KISS" should be in play for this... Don't ya think?????
Nope. And especially not in this case if he chooses to continually grow from reg seeds and not clones. The earlier he learns the less likely he’ll be to potentially destroy females thinking they may have been males. Don’t you think?