DIY CO2 bucket system


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share this with others just because it is a clean way to use the yeast method and it seems to def work!. If anyone out there has already made a page like this i appologize ahead of time.

To start here is a list of parts needed

-square or round 5 gallon bucket w/ lid
-Three 2 liter bottles w/ caps
-10-20 feet of 1/4 air tubing (depends on how far away you will keep it)
-Waterproof Sealing Glue (epoxy)
-6 cups of sugar
-1oz of yeast or 3 1/4 oz packets
-2x2 piece of foam
-2 1/4 T connectors

I started by painting the bucket black so that it would absorb heat to try and keep the sugar/yeast mixture at a warmer level. You need to keep the mixture at 70-80f or the yeast will die.

So once you have your bucket ready, mix your CO2! ;)
mix two cups of sugar into a two liter that is halfway filled with water. shake the sugar up till it desolves. Once it has desolved all the way put atleast 1/4 oz of yeast in and shake vigoursly. Leave the top on until you are done. Repeat two more times :( i know its a bitch but it will pay off!



Well-Known Member
Next you should take the tops of the 2 liters and drill 1/4 inch holes in the top of each one. Then take a 6inch long piece of 1/4 tubing and push it through the hole so that only about a haf of an inch if through the other side. Then take your glue and seal the tubing to the 2liter top. Again repeat this two more times and let sit overnight to make sure it is sealed very well! ;)

Once you have all three of the tops with the tubing read and dry, take a T connector and connect two of the lids. Then take another T connector and connect it to the other T connector so that all three are connected with one output. (as in pic)

Once you have the lids connected together and ready, take your yeast filled 2 liters and put them in your ucket. You will have to place them in carfully and make sure that they fit. Take your foam and place it around the 2 liters so that they are tight in the bucket so that when you shake and/or move the bucket system around after your done they wont tip over or move around. Dont put too much foam in to the point that it pushes in the 2 liter bottles. Once that is done put the three tops on your three co2 bottles!



Junior Creatologist
fuckin brilliant man. +rep for hashing that out - a definite must for any grower in need of C02 that cant afford to buy a system.

N GT, i heard that these last for somethin like a week or two weeks i cant remember...


Junior Creatologist
i guess my question would have to be, since im not farmiliar with how to use c02, do you put one of the tubes directly into the soil, or just bust them into the tent, and have them blow co2 into the atmosphere of your growroom/?? please elaborate for a moron, lol.


Well-Known Member
And now for the final couple of steps, take the lid to the bucket and drill a 1/4 inch hole right in the middle of it and run a 1/4 air tube line through it and down to the 2 liters. Connect the tube to the available T connector which then connects all three 2 liters to the one Air line.

YAY, now you have a line of co2 that will last you two weeks in good conditions. I have run it into my res with GREAT results. I acctually made Two of them and ran them both into my res. You could tell by the next morning that the plants LOVED it. You could also just run the line right behind a fan and have it blow into the room and increase the ppm in the air. I think if you run it into your res you are getting the best of both worlds because it will come out of the res in bubbles and go into the air anyway. but it increase the co2 in the water which is very benificial. I hope this system will help someone who wants to use the Yeast co2 methos but doesnt want to have a stink bottle of soup sitting on the floor waiting to be spilled over. If anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions on how to improve the system please let me know. And to everyone who makes one, please post some picutres of you skills. good luck and happy growing!!! :) :)



Well-Known Member
How can i get ADMIN to move my third post up so that all three are in order. there is important info that is probly being skipped by not going all the way down?


Active Member
Hydrokronics, Great Post, found it very helpful, will have a go myself this weekend. Currently using a 5 Litre Petrol Can and it is bubbling so slow :wall:, hopefully this will improve,:clap:.

Read all the links posted in this discussion, and I am still not too sure
which is the best way to deliver the cO2 in me setup.:spew:

Currently running a Amazon Aeroponics* system [*half Areoponics (sprinkers only no mister) 50Litre rez, Nutriculture Amazon Aeroponic System: Basement Lighting Hydroponics and Plant Grow Lights , any recommendations?

I am not too sure if I should :confused::
1) feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment (where it is constantly spraying with 2 holes at the bottom to let water drain back to the rez below) or
2) Put the tube in a jar with water and let it bubble away positioned under me ladies sitting on top of Amazon or
3) Feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment and turn the tank heater up to 75-83F.

My biggest worry :cuss:on feeding the cO2 directly into the roots compartment is that there would be no escape for the cO2 but to sink down to the rez. The ladies are suppoted by this memory foam disc thingy which fits perfectly on the plastic net pots, so no escape to the to the leafs!!
( I could use Clay pebble in net pots instead to suppot the Ladies, but would this be enough to let the cO2 escape via the top to reach the leafs??)

Sorry for being long winded, Please be gentle, me first thread.:hump:

Any Suggestion is welcome, Thanks.:fire:

How do you deliver your cO2 Hydrokronics?


Well-Known Member
Hydrokronics, Great Post, found it very helpful, will have a go myself this weekend. Currently using a 5 Litre Petrol Can and it is bubbling so slow :wall:, hopefully this will improve,:clap:.

Read all the links posted in this discussion, and I am still not too sure
which is the best way to deliver the cO2 in me setup.:spew:

Currently running a Amazon Aeroponics* system [*half Areoponics (sprinkers only no mister) 50Litre rez, Nutriculture Amazon Aeroponic System: Basement Lighting Hydroponics and Plant Grow Lights , any recommendations?

I am not too sure if I should :confused::
1) feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment (where it is constantly spraying with 2 holes at the bottom to let water drain back to the rez below) or
2) Put the tube in a jar with water and let it bubble away positioned under me ladies sitting on top of Amazon or
3) Feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment and turn the tank heater up to 75-83F.

My biggest worry :cuss:on feeding the cO2 directly into the roots compartment is that there would be no escape for the cO2 but to sink down to the rez. The ladies are suppoted by this memory foam disc thingy which fits perfectly on the plastic net pots, so no escape to the to the leafs!!
( I could use Clay pebble in net pots instead to suppot the Ladies, but would this be enough to let the cO2 escape via the top to reach the leafs??)

Sorry for being long winded, Please be gentle, me first thread.:hump:

Any Suggestion is welcome, Thanks.:fire:

How do you deliver your cO2 Hydrokronics?
run the tubing into your res...and drill a few small holes in the top at the base of your plants


Well-Known Member
Isnt CO2 heavier than air? I was always under the impression that it was for the top of the plant not the bottom


Well-Known Member
Isnt CO2 heavier than air? I was always under the impression that it was for the top of the plant not the bottom

Hydrokronics, Great Post, found it very helpful, will have a go myself this weekend. Currently using a 5 Litre Petrol Can and it is bubbling so slow :wall:, hopefully this will improve,:clap:.

Read all the links posted in this discussion, and I am still not too sure
which is the best way to deliver the cO2 in me setup.:spew:

Currently running a Amazon Aeroponics* system [*half Areoponics (sprinkers only no mister) 50Litre rez, Nutriculture Amazon Aeroponic System: Basement Lighting Hydroponics and Plant Grow Lights , any recommendations?

I am not too sure if I should :confused::
1) feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment (where it is constantly spraying with 2 holes at the bottom to let water drain back to the rez below) or
2) Put the tube in a jar with water and let it bubble away positioned under me ladies sitting on top of Amazon or
3) Feed cO2 directly into the roots compartment and turn the tank heater up to 75-83F.

My biggest worry :cuss:on feeding the cO2 directly into the roots compartment is that there would be no escape for the cO2 but to sink down to the rez. The ladies are suppoted by this memory foam disc thingy which fits perfectly on the plastic net pots, so no escape to the to the leafs!!
( I could use Clay pebble in net pots instead to suppot the Ladies, but would this be enough to let the cO2 escape via the top to reach the leafs??)

Sorry for being long winded, Please be gentle, me first thread.:hump:

Any Suggestion is welcome, Thanks.:fire:

How do you deliver your cO2 Hydrokronics?

Run right into the res. anyway you see fit. I have bever used that exact system so i dont want to give you bad advice but def run the off line which is coming off of your three 2liters right into you res. There is honestly not a large amount of co2 that is produced by the yeast so it will not get to toxic levels. if your plants are still young you will see results faster then if they are large. If you are extremly worried and dont want to put it into you res then you should hang it above your plants. Because yes, co2 is heavier then air and it will fall down onto them. But is you are injecting the co2 into you res(water) you are increasing the amount of co2 particles in the Res(water) I hope this helps both you and good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hydrokronics

Run right into the res. anyway you see fit. I have bever used that exact system so i dont want to give you bad advice but def run the off line which is coming off of your three 2liters right into you res. There is honestly not a large amount of co2 that is produced by the yeast so it will not get to toxic levels. if your plants are still young you will see results faster then if they are large. If you are extremly worried and dont want to put it into you res then you should hang it above your plants. Because yes, co2 is heavier then air and it will fall down onto them. But is you are injecting the co2 into you res(water) you are increasing the amount of co2 particles in the Res(water) I hope this helps both you and good luck.
Thanks for the helpful advice, Hydrokronics. I will feed the tube into the rez [directly in to the water (please correct me, if this is not what you mean)]once I have build the cO2 thingy this weekend, will put some photies up. :hug:

Will have to keep a close eye on the pH level, pumping cO2 directly into the water might affect the pH a bit, me thinks.:confused:

Since it is going straight into the water bubbling away, debating if I should be using one of these diffuser;
to let the cO2 absorb into the water a wee bit better, rather than just having it bubbling straight up to the surface! :fire:
Anyhow one step at a time, wil get the cO2 bottle system build first, thx again!


Well-Known Member
Very nice, I have one more tip for you its called a microbe filter. All you have to do is run the tube that the co2 is coming from in to the bottom of another bottle that is about 50-75% full of water. Then out of the top of the same bottle you have the "out tube" which goes to the plant, but make sure this is not in the water. This will stop any airborne microbes from going directly in to your yeast/ sugar mix, because the co2 passes though the water. This also allows you to see how fast its working or if its working at all.


Well-Known Member
Just remember while adding CO2 is nice nothing helps better than refreshed air to actually remove the excess levels of O2 that the plant emits. Air can get stale even if you do add 200lbs of CO2. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the helpful advice, Hydrokronics. I will feed the tube into the rez [directly in to the water (please correct me, if this is not what you mean)]once I have build the cO2 thingy this weekend, will put some photies up. :hug:

Will have to keep a close eye on the pH level, pumping cO2 directly into the water might affect the pH a bit, me thinks.:confused:

Since it is going straight into the water bubbling away, debating if I should be using one of these diffuser;
to let the cO2 absorb into the water a wee bit better, rather than just having it bubbling straight up to the surface! :fire:
Anyhow one step at a time, wil get the cO2 bottle system build first, thx again!

Yea, Running the tube directly into you res WILL raise the PH slghtly over time. I forgot to mention that to you and i appologize. But you should be chekcing your res atleast three times a day anyway ;) Macezy's idea of creating a "filter" type of device would also be helpful. I have found that the yeast and the sugar are not that harmful to you res when Very very small amounts gets into it on accident. Alot of nutes acctually have brewers yeast in them. but it would prob be much better to have thing device then to be sorry. And if something goes wrong you dont want that to be a worry when you try and troubleshoot. You should do a step by step Mac, on how to make one of thoses. As fars as the diffuser to the CO2 i would say go for it. I didnt think it was nessary just due to the fact that when it bubbles in large bubbles the co2 goes right into the net pot and out right under the plant. The diffuser would also prob help increase the co2 levels in the water. Good luck and i hope things are working for you. You should take some pictures of the process of putting yours together so other people can see another way! :)


Well-Known Member

WHY OH WHY are you guys putting CO2 to the roots?

Roots want O2, leaves want CO2.
What am I missing here? must be something. sorry.