Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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You just told me he pocketed billions.....which is it?


OK, once again I'll try very hard to dumb this down to where you can get it.

To take a company private takes a great deal more than just buying stock. You also have to buy debt. Elon Musk has siphoned off billions for himself, but all told he's only worth around 17 billion dollars. About 80% of that wealth is his stock in Tesla, leaving him roughly 4 billion dollars of personal cash he's rooked over the years.

Typically, in order to take a company private, you'll wind up paying between 12 to 18% OVER the current stock value. You would also need to buy out all the bonds he's taken out on that outstanding stock.

So if Elon wanted to take Tesla private right now, he'd need to come up with around 35 to 40 billion dollars. Money he not only doesn't have, but couldn't raise if he tried. (He just did try. Most he could get was 2.5 billion.)

That's the problem with Tesla: It's only turned an annual profit once in its history (it's IPO in 2010) and has burned through so much cash it's bonded out almost entirely.

Tesla is, quite literally, nothing but debt.

And what makes Tesla even worse is that his fangirls like you enable him to do it. Tesla's had three of the best days its had in a long time this week. The stock is up to 205 dollars per share.


Over a bullshit "leaked" photo of a monitor saying he's sold a shit ton of model 3's.

It's laughable. When the second quarter financials are released, and Tesla loses money yet AGAIN (and they will) the idiots that bought back in are going to say, "But, but, but, but...the LEAK WAS REAL!!!!" and cry as the stock bottoms out again and they lose their asses.

Elon resorted to Trump tactics about a year ago. Not one thing he's promised has happened, but somehow even in the face of insurmountable debt people keep giving him money for him to either siphon off for himself or blow on a bunch of bullshit that never amounts to anything.
I hear Grimes "unfriended" him.


Whoops, wrong Grimes.

I've got it now. Hold on.


Damn it. Still the wrong Grimes.


There we go. Third time's the charm.
You think people bought these levels on leaked photos and not technicals?

Yes. They did. Just like they bought like hell when he Tweeted the company would be profitable from the 3rd quarter of last year onward. They bought like crazy...until they found out it was all bullshit.

Then they bought like crazy again when he Tweeted about unveiling a new, end all be all offering soon to be released...until the unveiling and it was a yawner of a car that wont even enter production for another year and the stock sank like a rock again.

Every single time over the last 8 months the stock started tanking, suddenly there would be a mystery Tweet, screen shot "leak" and all the cool aide drinkers would jump back on the bandwagon only to be flat broke and underwater 6 weeks later.

There are no "technicals" for people to judge from. All the talk of the so-called "massive demand" stems from that "leaked" screen shot.

And of course another very well paid for story about how Tesla stock looks like Netflix stock did back in 2011.

People see what they want to see. As of right now, Tesla is a broken company with more debt than it can possibly ever pay off. It's never, and I mean NEVER turned an annual profit but once - the year of it's IPO. It has burned through more money and carries more debt than just about anybody.

And that with a less than 1% market share and a profit margin that's essentially non-existent on its best selling car.

I'm right. I have been for a year solid. I've never been wrong about Tesla. When the 2nd quarter financials hit, and it's another disappointing performance, you'll make more excuses for Tesla as always.

And the stock will tank again.

And there will be another "leak".

And you'll tout that link as actual hope.

And it all starts all over again.

I've said it many times: I'll be surprised if Tesla stock is worth 150 per share by the end of the year.
Technicals being the charts not fundamentals of the company. We're at a technical level of support imo. With the next leg down ~$150ish, I'd wager some entries on this technical play and some shorts covering aware of the technical level hence the relief it saw recently back to $210.

Market gonna do what it gonna do, the short interest is like 1/3rd of the outstanding shares no? that's insane...
Technicals being the charts not fundamentals of the company.

There are no technicals. Tesla doesn't have anything anybody else doesn't have. In fact, Tesla's system is not as good as what many other people have, especially when it comes to NOT bursting into flame, NOT getting your drivers killed because your autonomous system doesn't work and NOT having to only charge your car to 80% because it's "bad for it".

Market gonna do what it gonna do, the short interest is like 1/3rd of the outstanding shares no? that's insane...

That only happens when the company is completely full of shit and everybody knows it. The same exact thing happened to companies like Enron and the entire Credit Default Swops market.
There are no technicals. Tesla doesn't have anything anybody else doesn't have. In fact, Tesla's system is not as good as what many other people have, especially when it comes to NOT bursting into flame, NOT getting your drivers killed because your autonomous system doesn't work and NOT having to only charge your car to 80% because it's "bad for it".

That only happens when the company is completely full of shit and everybody knows it. The same exact thing happened to companies like Enron and the entire Credit Default Swops market.
I'm talking technicals, not fundamentals. Chart technicals, lines and candles and patterns and shit, price action over time.
I'm talking technicals, not fundamentals. Chart technicals, lines and candles and patterns and shit, price action over time.

You must be higher than a fucking kite.

"Technicals" are nothing more than forecasting the future based on past performance. That's fucking it.

Guess what? Tesla has never made money. Tesla is 9 billion dollars in debt. Tesla is set to lose money for the foreseeable future. Tesla, should it DOUBLE it's sales right now, could not pay off the amount of debt it's carrying for another 60 years.

Now, based on that, and based on the fact that "technically" the stock has been overvalued for years, then the stock is essentially worthless.

The only reason the stock had any value at all is because people bought in to Elon Musk's bullshit. That is why the stock is tanking now: People got sick and tired of the company going deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper (say that about 11 more times) into debt and NEVER, EVER making any money.

You do realize of course that the idea of buying stock in a company is to make money, right? When all you do is lose it year after year after year after year (say that about 5 more times) then you're essentially fucked.

"Technically" the stock isn't worth anywhere near 100 dollars right now. "Technically", based on past performance, it's worth about 54 dollars per share.

And that's being kind.
You must be higher than a fucking kite.

"Technicals" are nothing more than forecasting the future based on past performance. That's fucking it.

Guess what? Tesla has never made money. Tesla is 9 billion dollars in debt. Tesla is set to lose money for the foreseeable future. Tesla, should it DOUBLE it's sales right now, could not pay off the amount of debt it's carrying for another 60 years.

Now, based on that, and based on the fact that "technically" the stock has been overvalued for years, then the stock is essentially worthless.

The only reason the stock had any value at all is because people bought in to Elon Musk's bullshit. That is why the stock is tanking now: People got sick and tired of the company going deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper (say that about 11 more times) into debt and NEVER, EVER making any money.

You do realize of course that the idea of buying stock in a company is to make money, right? When all you do is lose it year after year after year after year (say that about 5 more times) then you're essentially fucked.

"Technically" the stock isn't worth anywhere near 100 dollars right now. "Technically", based on past performance, it's worth about 54 dollars per share.

And that's being kind.

I am not reading anything past your first line... if you want to ignore that people play price action, that's fine. You want to ignore a technical level, that's fine, keep freaking out about financials and fundamentals but don't conflate that with technicals, good day.
That's the only thing that had the stock doing anything to begin with: a constant barrage of tweets promising outrageous claims that never came true.

That ship has sailed. That's a large part of why the stock has been in constant downturn for half a year now. I'll just leave this here - from page 5 of this same thread:

And here's my post from August of last year:

I've called it all along for nearly a year now.
I'm still waiting for that recession you called. You know, the one you said would start in April of this year?
I'm still waiting for that recession you called. You know, the one you said would start in April of this year?
speaking of recessions, that one indicator that alot of people were concerned abotu the bond yields inverting ( i think?), is that still occurring?
I never said they'd go bankrupt, nimnum. If you bothered to read you'd know that.

They'll wind up getting bought out by somebody else. GM, Ford, Someone like that.
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