Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I'm not sensitive. But like I've been saying I didn't even know we had a section for that.

Because you shoot (and continue to shoot) your mouth off before you bother reading anything. Let's review:

You said you saw it on the recent posts menu. Here it is. If you had bothered to ACTUALLY LOOK you would have seen the forum it was in listed for you, so you would have known it was a political forum:

Recent posts.png

As if that weren't enough, when you clicked that link and went to the forum that had the post in it, you would (again, if you had bothered to LOOK before shooting your mouth off) seen the title right at the top of the page in REALLY BIG, HUGE FUCKING LETTERS:

political forum title.png

But that's just not your style. You barge into a room, start shit talking everybody in it as if they're the ones with the problem, make yourself look like the complete horses ass that you are, then keep on arguing as if you have a point when you flat out don't.

You should have shut the fuck up after you got a ration of shit the first time you posted. But noooooooooooo...

If you're wrong, and you have been since your first post, you apologize, then shut the fuck up and move on.

I'm not sensitive. But like I've been saying I didn't even know we had a section for that. I'm hear to learn more about growing, and helping others when I can, and happen to get to this post by mistake. I've already apologized for being in the wrong section. I just don't get it. I thought we were all here for the same reason "helping each other grow cannabis". It's all good. I now know that we have a political section. Lesson learned. Sorry again guys.

Watch your Back!

Politically, there are Politicians that don't want you to grow cannabis.

Now wasn't that helpful?
I already apologized for posting in the wrong section. I didn't know there even was a politics section on here. I just checked out the most recent post and it happen to be this stuff and I responded before I realized this was a section for strictly politics. You guys need to smoke a bowl and chill.
I pee in ur momz butt
I'm not sensitive. But like I've been saying I didn't even know we had a section for that. I'm hear to learn more about growing, and helping others when I can, and happen to get to this post by mistake. I've already apologized for being in the wrong section. I just don't get it. I thought we were all here for the same reason "helping each other grow cannabis". It's all good. I now know that we have a political section. Lesson learned. Sorry again guys.
Here is some advice if you want to blend in well. The leader here is @UncleBuck Make sure to give him regular handies, and mindlessly agree with whatever he says. Also, its strongly recommended that you also be a communist, want unlimited illegal immigrants and hate white people.


Here is some advice if you want to blend in well. The leader here is @UncleBuck Make sure to give him regular handies, and mindlessly agree with whatever he says. Also, its strongly recommended that you also be a communist, want unlimited illegal immigrants and hate white people.


Ya these guys are a bunch of douchebags. They probably don't even smoke pot, just come hear to rant. Whatever, get a life.
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You guys are great. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I voted for Obama. And ya I'm all those things you said, Hahahahaha. And thanks a lot for thinking someone sent me cause I AM the best. That makes me feel good.