The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
You need to send me your address, lb. Check your email!

Alright, the pistils on this one girl (can't remember which number she is) are getting SERIOUSLY PINK. Just this ONE girl, the other two are white-pistiled. And do you think I kept track of which clone came from whom? :roll:



Well-Known Member
You need to send me your address, lb. Check your email!

Alright, the pistils on this one girl (can't remember which number she is) are getting SERIOUSLY PINK. Just this ONE girl, the other two are white-pistiled. And do you think I kept track of which clone came from whom? :roll:

What do your connies smell like ,SM? I have 2 that smell like .....soap, and one that smells like cantaloupe


Well-Known Member
lb, it's difficult to tell, but I think you're gonna have a couple of weeks to go, maybe more.

Some of the sampled buds were full of seeds, so I know all are preggo. I'll definitely be keeping the seeds from the Cali. Indica x Big Bud girl, because that's what I know she's crossed with.

What do your connies smell like ,SM? I have 2 that smell like .....soap, and one that smells like cantaloupe
Since they're not as far along as the other girls I've tried to leave them alone. I guess I'm gonna have to go feel 'em up and sniff my finger, eh? :lol: Sounds tasty (the cantaloupe one, not the soap one).


Well-Known Member
LB - from your pics the flowers still have mostly prety fat, white pistils still. I agree with Seamaiden it could be easily 2-3 or more weeks. Watch the trichs to see when time is getting close. :blsmoke: They are however, looking very nice. They must be smelling nice by now.


Well-Known Member
Oooooooo I want I want! :)

And thanks for your help, guys! I thought I had a bit longer to go. I can't wait to see how much bigger they get in three more weeks' time!


Well-Known Member
Check it out! These seeds were planted 24 hours ago. I loooove how much faster things grow indoors under 24 hour light! I am so totally psyched to grow in soil in the cab. :eyesmoke:

Sub, thank you so much, again, for your generosity. The fact that I have a Jillybean plant growing in my garden makes me bounce! :)

Oh, and one more thing I wanted to ask -- will the leaves on my outdoor plant collect more resin before I harvest? Right now there's none.



Well-Known Member
Really depends on the strain and environmental conditions. The trichomes are produced to keep the female plant in prime condition for seed production (moist so to speak). I wont go into a long discussion but here is a link in CC about trichomes and what they are for (Pot potency). One thing it does say about enviro and strain considerations is that Indica are more trichy than sativa and high intensity light and UVB rays also produce more trichs. If you have a hybrid all of that goes out the door. If you can have some sunny days and you have the right strains they will be crystally. Also said just because it isnt crystally doesnt mean its not dank. Your buds should also get fatter in these last weeks too. Hope they also get sparkly for you too.


Well-Known Member
The other Jillybean and 3D popped overnight. 6 for 6! Woo!

If more than two of these turn out to be female, I'm going to have to let someone else grow them. I'm trying to figure out how I could meet someone locally who is neither a cop nor a lonely psychotic guy. I'm at a bit of a loss, but I absolutely REFUSE to kill a female plant!! If anyone has any ideas, please PM me.

And will all of you please post pictures of your crops??



Well-Known Member
Mine look too scraggly and I am of embarrassment. :lol: Seriously, not a one has hit 3' in height, and all have six branches (except my LST Bagseed Girls). :oops:


Well-Known Member
Yeldah came to visit last night! She's been scarce because she's been traveling a lot, but she says to tell those waiting for care packages from her that she will send them soon. She took a look at my plants and gave me lots of awesome advice. I gave her three seeds each of the strains Sub sent me, plus two seeds I just the other night happened to find in a bag of NYC-grown skunk. She was incredibly excited and promised to start them as soon as she got home.

She suggested that instead of spending money on a larger indoor cab, I set up a greenhouse on the terrace and grow out there during the winter. I'm a bit embarrassed that the idea never occurred to me, but I'm looking at greenhouse sites now. I was looking at this one:, which I think would probably be the best choice, because I could hang a light in there. Plus, it doesn't look ghetto so it's less likely to attract attention from neighbors. If I had a setup like this, I could use the indoor cab just as a cloning chamber. So, could one of you recommend a light and give me your opinions on the setup?

I stopped at Radio Shack this morning and got a magnifying glass. Now I just have to figure out exactly what I'm looking for when I look at my plants!


Well-Known Member
LB - THe greenhouse is a good idea but one thing you need to think about in your neck of the woods is heating. I'm sure it gets hella cold there in the winter, right? THe greenhouse you selected, or any greenhouse for that matter, looks to have a thin polyethelyne cover which will not be easy to keep the heat in and cold out. Your heater would be running 24/7 and I dont know if that would be enough. According to the responses you would also need to drill holes in the frame to help keep it together. Some things to think about.

On the cab light - since the space is relatively small I think your best bet may be CFLs. HID lights have heat issues in small areas and you also need some distance between lights and plants (12-18") with young/clone plants. You may be able to get a lower watage MH or HPS light (~75-150W) but I still think the heat issue will be the determining factor.

On your extra female clones check Honkey's thread or PM me.

Say hi to Yelda for us


Well-Known Member
Okay, kids, tonight I got an offer to do a way cool photo shoot on the 29th, and I have to wear a bellydance costume so I have to be really disciplined with the working out and eating between now and then. Which means that I am taking a break from smoking until the Connie is ready! I'm also going camping for four days next week. sooooo looking forward to it!!) So I'll be around again when we harvest. I have to be good and avoid the munchies, but that means when I smoke my own I'll appreciate it that much more. So I'm gonna take a health break, and I'll talk to you in a few weeks! Seamaiden, watch your mail. xoxoxoxoxo


Well-Known Member
Keep a nose on your Conquistador girls, lb. I did a smell-on last night, and NOW I know what spark's talking about.

Spark, I've taken note of the scents, each of the three smells slightly different, and I've got one with fire-pink/red pistils. That one has a definite fruity scent, just slightly like cantaloupe. Another has a decidedly tangy/citrusy overtone to the cantaloupe or melon (musk melon, perhaps?) scent. And the third one smells like a cantaloupe that's begun to spoil, just slightly rotten fruit scent. And do you think I kept the clones tagged so that I would know which clone came from which mother? What an idiot I can be. :roll:


Active Member
hey LB :)
it was so good to finally see you(and ur lovely plants :)
i think i did mention that you would have to have a very thick plastic on ur greenhouse, what do u think about my idea of making a lil house in your window bars? i duno how to explain it here but you guys, she has bars around her window that stick out a cpl of feet and its a cpl feet wide and high. i had this crazy idea that bc its right above her heat the she could line the bars with plastic and leave window open for heat and grow in the window. does anyone follow what im saying?as for the presents, i just got home and got some padded envelopes so i will be sending em SOON
i should be on here more for awhile... i am leaving soon to go to S. OR for a trim job (i love the west coast:)


Well-Known Member
I totally dig what you're bringing, yeldah. You're talking about her making a ghetto bay window. Use thick visqueen, up in the Sierra it's what people do every year with their porches to keep snow out, and it works to keep things a bit warmer. :D

But, that trim job... is that anything like fluffing? :lol:

HAW!!!! I crack myself up. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just back from camping and checking in. It actually feels really good not to smoke for a while. I was developing such a massive tolerance, I needed to bring it down a bit. I keep looking at my plant every day and trying to figure out when she'll be ready to harvest. The buds are getting really big!

And yeah, yeldah, I think I'm going to try the growing-in-the-window thing. But would the amount of sunlight we get during the winter be enough, or do I need to put a light in there too? Also, it was lovely to see you, I was sorry you had to leave before I got back that morning!

Cab plants are doing great. Soil is totally the way to go. The 3D is busting out all over. Woo!

Seamaiden, did you get your package??


Well-Known Member
im back...sorry guys and girls I was banned for a while....whatever...anyway...put a hold on the care package...i am moving to panama in two weeks from today.....I sold all my equipment to mrs mcgreggor...but I will be growing outdoors in you will all still see me on!