How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I haven't been in the garden since Friday morning. I know there will be a bucket of cucumbers when I pick them tonight. The squash were growing mold after the first day of rain, so not expecting good things from them.
Fresh radishes. I really like the French Breakfast ones on the left. The others are the Champion variety which I like as well. They get a decent size. I still have at least twice this many in the garden that need to be picked. Going to pickle these.

The good thing about radishes is that they grow so fast. I'll replant later tonight when it cools down. I'll probably be harvesting more before I finish eating the pickled ones.

Do you guys ever have problems with ants eating your corn? I never grew corn before and have some going now. My neigh or was saying watch out for the ants.
Do you guys ever have problems with ants eating your corn? I never grew corn before and have some going now. My neigh or was saying watch out for the ants.

I've never heard of or seen that in my decades of gardening. But they do like to colonize the base of strawberry plants.
I kind of forgot about these air layers on my tomatoes. Hadnt watered them or anything for a month or more and vhecked them today and they were rooted up. Too easy.


Got a rack of bananas going too, these will be fat in a couple months


Heres a cherimoya I picked a few weeks ago. It was way outside of normal season which is fall and winter.

Some papaya I picked today
Do you guys ever have problems with ants eating your corn? I never grew corn before and have some going now. My neigh or was saying watch out for the ants.
Yes, ants can be a problem in corn. My Mamma said when they were kids {in the 1930's} they poured hot sand on the ears as they were forming. That kept the worms out, which kept the ants out.

My biggest ant problem is with okra. They are on my new okra already, and I've only cut it twice.
Didn't get pictures, but saw some pink on corn silks today. Also a spaghetti squash was starting to lighten. Several acorn squash are ready to pick, but the vines are getting over run by the spaghetti. They got the tail end of a soaker hose I had laid for the peppers, and they vines are going crazy.
^^^^^^^^^ Nice. I think that week in the high 90's cost me my green bean crop. They are trying to blooms still, but are not setting fruit. I'll give them a couple more weeks, then putting something else in their spot.
At lunch today we had a salad with cukes and peppers from the garden. A mess of yellow squash. Also the first acorn squash of the year. The wife cooked it stuffed with apple {with some celery and onion}. After it was cooked, you added butter, cinnamon and syrup. It was pretty damn good.
Some of the peas are ready to be picked. I had to cover them a few days ago when we had a couple 97 F days. And even with that I think the heat finished off the blooming and setting peas. They stop when it gets too hot.



The Yukon Gold potatoes have gotten big and are flowering. The're buried about 18 inches in well tilled rock free soil and also I mounded them as they grew about 18 inches above ground.


The tomatoes are all flowering and setting fruit. They really liked the 97 degree days. But it's only supposed to get up to 77 today. Crazy temperature swings we're having out west.


The peach tree has some peaches on it. I've counted about thirty. I'm going to have to do some serious pruning on the tree. It's supposed to be a dwarf but it doesn't know that. All my pears dropped. It's supposed to be self pollinating but after further research that doesn't always work out so I'm going to get another pear tree. Most likely a Bartlett for cross pollination.

Some of the peas are ready to be picked. I had to cover them a few days ago when we had a couple 97 F days.



The Yukon Gold potatoes have gotten big and are flowering. The're buried about 18 inches in well tilled rock free soil and also I mounded them as they grew about 18 inches above ground.


The tomatoes are all flowering and setting fruit. They really liked the 97 degree days. But it's only supposed to get up to 77 today. Crazy temperature swings we're having out west.


The peach tree has some peaches on it. I've counted about thirty. I'm going to have to do some serious pruning on the tree. It's supposed to be a dwarf but it doesn't know that. All my pears dropped. It's supposed to be self pollinating but after further research that doesn't always work out so I'm going to get another pear tree. Most likely a Bartlett for cross pollination.

I have 5 young peach trees at the house. Had a like amount at each of my two camps. There was only two that I could find at the river camp after the storm. The others are under downed trees. Now the pond has come up and drowned the ones there. The last week or so it has gone down a little, but still no life showing on the trees.
I have 5 young peach trees at the house. Had a like amount at each of my two camps. There was only two that I could find at the river camp after the storm. The others are under downed trees. Now the pond has come up and drowned the ones there. The last week or so it has gone down a little, but still no life showing on the trees.

Well that sucks. Got a bit of rain did you? Too bad you can't send it out here. It's shaping up to be a bad fire season out west. But with the crazy weather patterns lately who knows what will happen? I'm hoping we don't end up in flames again. The air quality gets really bad and you never know what might happen. I'm surrounded by trees in a tree filled neighborhood. Things happen fast.