Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Is he in Springfield MO?
FMC Lexington. And it now says he’s to be released 11/2021. The guy who survived led them back to his graveyard. Multiple bodies.They’re still searching near Madrid NM for people the cops are sure these guys killed. He’s very intelligent like sociopaths often are. He was sentenced to death and challenged the penalty being imposed partially on the testimony of confidential informants. Acted as his own lawyer and prevailed. The case is now cited as precedent. Too bad he is obviously crazy.
FMC Lexington. And it now says he’s to be released 11/2021. The guy who survived led them back to his graveyard. Multiple bodies.They’re still searching near Madrid NM for people the cops are sure these guys killed. He’s very intelligent like sociopaths often are. He was sentenced to death and challenged the penalty being imposed partially on the testimony of confidential informants. Acted as his own lawyer and prevailed. The case is now cited as precedent. Too bad he is obviously crazy.
That's scary man.
Ya never know when you're going to run into the real deal.

Just curious, was he addicted to heroin and/or meth?
That's scary man.
Ya never know when you're going to run into the real deal.

Just curious, was he addicted to heroin and/or meth?
No. This guy was handsome, funny and extremely smart. He was the purchasing agent for a large solar company and I met him there. I ran the metal shop for the company. To say his statement about killing someone was a real surprise is to say the least. He just got greedy.

He loved weed. Drank just enough to be sociable. A cousin of his first victim set himself up. Hauling ass with a pound of weed in his car. Arrested and convicted. It was not known he was Chuy’s cuz. He asked to be incarcerated close to family. In the same prison as Rhett. He was still in jail for weed and being a Mexican while murderer Rhett was released to start his chain of used car dealerships and art galleries. Fronts for running drugs.
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You forgot Gerrymandering little girl. It’s a clever little racist tool crafted by your dumb fucking party to stay relevant.

To be fair, the most gerrymandered district in the nation is Maryland's 3rd district. The democrats are just as brutal at Gerrymandering as the republicans are when they are able to get away with it.


The problem is that republicans get away with it a great deal more. 8 of the top 10 most gerrymandered districts benefit the GOP.

The funny part; The GOP drew ALL of them.