Well-Known Member
Don't start to pm me begging for pictures of me again you old racist hag.
ORH is a nice moniker for the ORWDon't start to pm me begging for pictures of me again you old racist hag.
What exactly was innacurate about the comments she directed at Joe Biden?Kamala was great in hearings and even though I think what she said about Biden was garbage, I can't fault her for playing to win. I think she would tear a hole in Trump if she gets the nomination, she sets people up well and from odd directions.
The way you worded that is smart, I said garbage, you can make garbage arguments or comments that might be factually not inaccurate, when you examine the words closely without it being in anyway reality.What exactly was innacurate about the comments she directed at Joe Biden?
Biden has a long history of being overly anecdotal to a fault.Like I said she was smart, she said accurate remarks in a way that set up Biden to have to defend himself against being called a racist, which always a bad look for a old white guy and almost always falls flat.
The combination of 24 hour news cycle, internet video clips, and everyone having a video camera on their phones does make it hard for the folks that always talked openly to not screw up for sure.Biden has a long history of being overly anecdotal to a fault.
That's a whole lot of semantics just to say that you don't think she was being genuine about her sensitivity to his remarks that many people found to be quite insensitive. You also left out the part about the use of the word 'boy'.The way you worded that is smart, I said garbage, you can make garbage arguments or comments that might be factually not inaccurate, when you examine the words closely without it being in anyway reality.
Harris said “it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.” So in that sentence, all it really says is he talked about 2 senators.
From Factcheck: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/06/factchecking-round-two-of-the-democratic-debate/
"Biden responded by saying, “I did not praise racists.” Harris didn’t say he did. She said he talked about their reputations, and Biden did say that he was able to work with them in a civil way to get things done in the Senate, despite their political and personal differences.
At a June 18 fundraiser in New York, BidendescribedTalmadge as “one of the meanest guys I ever knew,” and said Eastland referred to him as “son” instead of senator, which he took as a sign of disrespect.
But, in comparison to the current political climate in Washington, Biden went on to say: “At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”"
The second was about his being in opposition to busing. The way she worded it was very clever and made it seem that he was against it, but he made clear was he was against federally mandated forced busing. In that same link above, Harris was going to school 2 years before Biden was in the senate, so he wouldn't have affected it anyway since it was already locally being done. He was always on the side of desegregation.
Like I said she was smart, she said accurate remarks in a way that set up Biden to have to defend himself against being called a racist, which always a bad look for a old white guy and almost always falls flat.
Biden's argument against busing was that he was against federal authorities enforcing the civil rights act. That local governments should. That's not OK. People's rights are the same in Mississippi as they are in Berkeley. By not enforcing the civil rights act we slide back into the days of red lining and other forms of discrimination. What am I missing?The way you worded that is smart, I said garbage, you can make garbage arguments or comments that might be factually not inaccurate, when you examine the words closely without it being in anyway reality.
Harris said “it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.” So in that sentence, all it really says is he talked about 2 senators.
From Factcheck: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/06/factchecking-round-two-of-the-democratic-debate/
"Biden responded by saying, “I did not praise racists.” Harris didn’t say he did. She said he talked about their reputations, and Biden did say that he was able to work with them in a civil way to get things done in the Senate, despite their political and personal differences.
At a June 18 fundraiser in New York, BidendescribedTalmadge as “one of the meanest guys I ever knew,” and said Eastland referred to him as “son” instead of senator, which he took as a sign of disrespect.
But, in comparison to the current political climate in Washington, Biden went on to say: “At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”"
The second was about his being in opposition to busing. The way she worded it was very clever and made it seem that he was against it, but he made clear was he was against federally mandated forced busing. In that same link above, Harris was going to school 2 years before Biden was in the senate, so he wouldn't have affected it anyway since it was already locally being done. He was always on the side of desegregation.
Like I said she was smart, she said accurate remarks in a way that set up Biden to have to defend himself against being called a racist, which always a bad look for a old white guy and almost always falls flat.
I wonder if "deep fakes" will play a role next year or not.The combination of 24 hour news cycle, internet video clips, and everyone having a video camera on their phones does make it hard for the folks that always talked openly to not screw up for sure.
I don't want to bring back the politics of the 80's. The person I vote for in the primary won't represent that.Biden simply did what most career minded politicians do, vote or support a policy that is expedient an beneficial to their own future, had he went with his heart...or in other words, he wasn't willing to risk his position or losing an election because he was true to principal.
pretty sad shit, but it's a priority of those from both parties...
I like to actually provide information and not just say shit that I feel is right, I look into what I am talking about, because I actually like to learn.That's a whole lot of semantics just to say that you don't think she was being genuine about her sensitivity to his remarks that many people found to be quite insensitive. You also left out the part about the use of the word 'boy'.
If a black woman says a white guy is racially insensitive, he's racially insensitive. Your post is garbage and Biden is an old racially insensitive white guy who should never have worked with segregationists or used a states rights argument to oppose busing. I'm absolutely on her side and agree with her argument regarding this. Digging in on this issue will cost him.
That Biden is in no way saying that?Biden's argument against busing was that he was against federal authorities enforcing the civil rights act. That local governments should. That's not OK. People's rights are the same in Mississippi as they are in Berkeley. By not enforcing the civil rights act we slide back into the days of red lining and other forms of discrimination. What am I missing?
I Tldr'd you here, gringo. If you don't care about how racially insensitive comments make my fellow Americans feel, then I don't care about your comments. That is the issue.I like to actually provide information and not just say shit that I feel is right
I like to actually provide information and not just say shit that I feel is right, I look into what I am talking about, because I actually like to learn.
I agree with this issue costing him, but any issue in politics can be used against someone with any actual record.
I think that your second paragraph is not right. If we didn't work with people we disagree with on racial issues we would still be a colony of England. I come from a family (moms side) that is seriously racist, (they don't think they are, but that isn't the point) and it makes it hard for me to talk with them for more than a few minutes at a time, so I do understand the problem that people have not listening when people say they are being racially insensitive. But you are over generalizing, and buying into propaganda about Biden on this issue.
That Biden is in no way saying that?
The ONLY real issue I have with what is being talked about is if it gets turned into internet propaganda and used against people that don't understand how internet conversations work and get duped into not voting for Biden (if den nominee) because they believe he is a racist, like they did with Clinton in '16 and we get stuck with Trump again who is actually making seriously racist policy.
He can say what he wants after the fact. When a person tells you who he is the first time, one should listen.
Edit: I have no clue why I can never get the clip to start at the time I pick, I tried to get it at 4:55 into the speech.
He was working with the other side, in the spirit of bipartisanship.Some fucking defense lawyer Joe Biden is. He didn't even defend Anita Hill.