1000 Things to do while stoned


Well-Known Member
i'll make the first one (It cant be more than 10 things per post) i hope we will make it to the 1000th thing to do while stoned
1. Eat some Taco Bell
2. Jump off things
3. Go under water and open your eyes - Its 10x cooler when stoned
4. Text your Friends
5. Watch History Channel about drugs
6. Walk in the woods during fall or even better, during winter with snow
7. Watch "The Matrix" its mind boggling when stoned
8. Watch Cars drive past your house
9. Draw pictures
10. Play video games
11. bust freestyles
12. have sex
13. smoke a cig
14. drink newcastle
15. make food
16. play with my kitty cat Gobbles
17.watch comedy central

keep on addin peeps :mrgreen:
18.Go on RIU
19.Kic it with some bitches
20.Play some Basketball
21Listen to some Music
22Watch Gang Land (think on the history channel)
23.Watch TV LAND haha, love those old shows
24.Get more high
25.Clean your Bong
26.Chill witht he homies
30. go to class
31. stare at the boobs of the hot girl in class and ask them if they want to go smoke a J at the break
32. Drive
33. Jam to pretty much any music
34. Play w/the dogs
35. Pretend ur a straight up G (I always feel bad ass when high)
36. golf
37. read reading assignments and ponder every other sentence
46. Have a conversation way beyond someone else's comprehension level with someone much less intellectual than you and...forget what you're talking about mid sentence

edit: you guys are fast
47. Mowe the lawn and when finished think, did I just mowe the lawn?
48. Think about how much money I dont have but also how much i dont care as long as Im high
49. Go to a movie
50. Go to hooters and feel like I should save all these poor helpless girls by laying my philosophy of life on them and convincing them that my place is the mecca of awesomeness