Harris 2020

So basically copying Sanders platform..

Let's go through it..

Republican tax plan the Senate passed, Sanders has been against it from the start

"This economy is not working for working people"

"Every family not earning $100k or more per year will earn a $500 tax credit per month" = $6,000. How will we pay for that?

Does that include illegal immigrants earning less than $100K/year?

"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to see how we're going to put food on their table"...

Whoever thought that up deserves an award

..Except Harris' economic proposals fall flat when it comes to providing the poor and middle class with food.

Has Harris been to San Francisco? What's her plan for relieving the homelessness in San Fran, and Los Angeles?
So basically copying Sanders platform..

Let's go through it..

Republican tax plan the Senate passed, Sanders has been against it from the start

"This economy is not working for working people"

"Every family not earning $100k or more per year will earn a $500 tax credit per month" = $6,000. How will we pay for that?

Does that include illegal immigrants earning less than $100K/year?

"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to see how we're going to put food on their table"...

Whoever thought that up deserves an award

..Except Harris' economic proposals fall flat when it comes to providing the poor and middle class with food.

Has Harris been to San Francisco? What's her plan for relieving the homelessness in San Fran, and Los Angeles?
And so it begins.
So basically copying Sanders platform.
No. Sanders wants single-payer. That's one major difference but it speaks to how little thought Sanders gives to actually making his schemes work. Mind you Sanders copied almost all of his policy positions in turn from Green Party platform bullet points. The difference again being that the GP platform was to be taken as a comprehensive whole in order to work economically. The result is that these ideas have been perceived as even less favorable just because he embraced them.

You guys fucking act like Sanders invented every progressive idea. He didn't. The only original thing he ever wrote was rape fantasy fiction. Harris doesn't claim to be the originator of every idea. Relax kiddo. This isn't a Bernie thread. You can support Harris if you want though.

Here's another example, plenty of politicians have mentioned deported veterans or had their picture taken with one at that fence in Playas de Tijuana and Imperial Beach. Bernie does it and suddenly you fucks act like you have always cared about them and that he's their sole and original voice and champion. He never accomplished a thing for them but still, thanks for the words. Now when some other politician speaks up for them, you act as if they should pay Bernie royalties for using his copyrighted material.
No. Sanders wants single-payer. That's one major difference but it speaks to how little thought Sanders gives to actually making his schemes work. Mind you Sanders copied almost all of his policy positions in turn from Green Party platform bullet points. The difference again being that the GP platform was to be taken as a comprehensive whole in order to work economically. The result is that these ideas have been perceived as even less favorable just because he embraced them.

You guys fucking act like Sanders invented every progressive idea. He didn't. The only original thing he ever wrote was rape fantasy fiction. Harris doesn't claim to be the originator of every idea. Relax kiddo. This isn't a Bernie thread. You can support Harris if you want though.

Here's another example, plenty of politicians have mentioned deported veterans or had their picture taken with one at that fence in Playas de Tijuana and Imperial Beach. Bernie does it and suddenly you fucks act like you have always cared about them and that he's their sole and original voice and champion. He never accomplished a thing for them but still, thanks for the words. Now when some other politician speaks up for them, you act as if they should pay Bernie royalties for using his copyrighted material.
He's just amazing isn't he?
Tulsi Gabbard is the least egregious of the democrats, by virtue of her stance on foreign wars etc.

Kamala used to wrestle years ago, don't know why she entered politics.
Sanders fought for universal healthcare in 2016, his opponent lost on "it'll never ever come to pass", now every single Dem candidate supports it.. The ones that don't won't be on the next debate stage

Sanders copied all of his policies from the Green party, yet no GP candidate is on the stage.. You'd think GP candidates would appreciate someone on stage promoting their platform and fall into solidarity for them, yet you don't.. Instead, you feel envy.. and work towards promoting division between the GP and progressives who would ostensibly ally with each other. A division helps Republicans. Why would anyone ostensibly on the progressive side actively work to help Republicans, to work to divide progressives and GPs?

Robroy's endorsement just made her the RIU least favorite primary candidate.

"That's Bernie's Idea" is the closest a bernout can come to saying they like what Harris has to say.
Harris is a CA prosecutor who would put someone like you behind bars and laugh about it later. She doesn't support you or anything you stand for, represent, or support. You got duped.
Sanders fought for universal healthcare in 2016, his opponent lost on "it'll never ever come to pass", now every single Dem candidate supports it.
ACA is universal healthcare.

Nobody has accomplished more for Universal Healthcare than Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton fought for it as first lady. Sanders pushed a symbolic bill with an unworkable one-size-fits-all plan on taxpayer's dime that would have created a million Martin Shkreli copies. If anything it was a setback in the work toward getting everyone covered.
Harris is a CA prosecutor who would put someone like you behind bars and laugh about it later. She doesn't support you or anything you stand for, represent, or support. You got duped.
I'm not a criminal nor do I believe that you can prove that she ever laughed about having to remove criminals from society. She used her position to shield immigrants. For that, I can forgive that some prosecutors were zealous while she was AG. She wasn't the actual prosecutor in those controversial cases either.
Too many Trump supporters like her for my American taste

That's sort of an odd way to look at things, but admittedly common behavior.

If a person you don't like has a good idea, do you dismiss the idea to satisfy your childish feelings or do you separate the good idea from the person you dislike ?
