New Zealands new gun buy back scheme.

Oh I get it but still lol. Even here where there are probably twice as many actual attacks from black bears we can’t carry a side arm but that’s not to say I wouldn’t like to lol. We are the country that has gun control and honestly I’d be happy with an outright ban on sidearms and I really like my guns lol.
Edit: pretty sure he would have used the bear spray as a condiment lol also I was with a born in Alaska buddy that has guided for 30 years so knowledge wasn’t an issue ;)
Actually moose. They kill or injure far more people than both species of bears here. We have no polar bears anywhere nearby so we don’t think about them much.

Moose have no fear of people or dogs.
Yes your right lol, swamp donkeys. I’ve seen an angry cow tree my best friend for like 3 hours till she got bored and left. Go for drive in Newfoundland and your risking having a moose on your lap lol. Used to archery hunt for them every year with a group of guys ...... to much work now lol
Willing to bet that buck is also anti-pit bull.
I wasn’t until a few weeks ago.

Was outside building a fence when the neighbors pit bull killed a dog being walked down the street

It was also the third time I’ve had to break a pit locked onto another dog by drowning him in water, forcing him to release to breathe

No other breed is that aggressive

Fuck your retarded pit bull
If you would've had a GUN, you wouldn't have had to torture a dog.
So you’re saying I should have shot the pit bull dead as the two dog owners sat there inches away trying to pry the dogs off of each other

Have you often been told that you’re a fucking idiot or am I the first
I really doubt the first :(.
the reason that these people are so angry despite the fact that they pulled off a freak and illegitimate win in 2016 is because despite that freak occurrence, they are still constantly told that they are morons by everyone around them. especially moreso now that the freak and illegitimate win has made them feel empowered to speak out more.
We need universal background checks on all sales and a complete ban on assault weapons.

I wasn’t until a few weeks ago.

Was outside building a fence when the neighbors pit bull killed a dog being walked down the street

It was also the third time I’ve had to break a pit locked onto another dog by drowning him in water, forcing him to release to breathe

No other breed is that aggressive

Fuck your retarded pit bull

When you say "drowning him in water" you meant hosing him down, right, hoser ?