honey oil


Well-Known Member
Without getting into a debate on how to make the stuff and vacuum purging etc....

Wondering what a gram of honey oil goes for typically. Not talking commercially available stuff or anything from L.P.'s but homegrown small scale stuff that's been around forever. I've only ever made small batches from bud, not trim, and have been wondering what its actual value might be. Again, I know there's grades based on material and how "professionally" its done.. but IN GENERAL what's decent honey oil go for by the gram?
lol..makin it from your own is cheapest... can be as cheap as .20 cents /gram.

buying it from people will run you 10 to 30 or more per gram

lots of variables.. hope that helps.
By the way..theres no such thing as honey oil as it once was.. all different chems used now
thanks! I haven't bought the stuff in over a decade.. just make my own. im surprised it goes as low as 10$ but 20-30 sounds nice!
I'm considering investing in some basic equipment but thus far I've just used the old Honey B tube and The cleanest butane I can find. I don't have a vac purge unit so I've just blasted into pyrex and used either a heat mat or hot water (repeatedly) to try and rid the butane. Again, I know this is super low tech and doesn't remove the butane well but its super small batches and personal I'd never pass this to others as I know I'd just hear an earful on how Im doing it wrong :) I scrape onto parchment paper and put it in the fridge. Colour is always a nice bright amber
Can you link me to a way to make it without butane? Im assuming theres a way without since the B in BHO is Butane Thanks so much
I guess in my mind theres the traditional black (green) oil made with alcohol and honeyoil made from butane. Clearly theres cherry oil, etc but Ive always just thought of it as black and honey. Never made black (green oil) but interested for sure
But if both honey and traditional oil are made with alcohol.. what makes the honey colour?
honey oil was not made with the same chems now a day,,SAME WITH COCAINE! :)
As well.. and as herb oxidizes..it gets darker, so the earlier you take the meds the more clear it will be

thanks to Pablo Escobar we dont have the chemicals they used made anywhere.... anymore lol
Now they will use any solvent thats cheap! the processes used to make it are not quite good for human consumption lol

The USA made it that way lol