Do you want the government to control your health and how to live ? Just wondering

Do you want the government run your health care and how you should live and take half your income ?

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Active Member
Oh, for fucks sake...

A cue is a signal to begin or end something. Example: the door opening was the cue to yell "surprise".

A queue is a line you wait in. It can also be a data list. It's also the act of waiting in a line.
Oh look is this another DEA, or what abc agent are you?


Active Member
Do you want the government run your health care and how you should live and take half your income ?
Just trying to see what's best way to go. Be cool to each other
Forgive me, but i am not reading 7+ pages of hate. The question is faulty, so i won’t answer. Please phrase the question so that we know what country you are referring to. If it is the US, then who is suggesting that government should “run” your healthcare? And can you detail what is meant by the word “run”. In what way do you want “government” to “run how you should live”, and why does government need to take half your income?

IF you are referring to Medicare For All(MFA) being suggested in the US, that is NOT govt “run” healthcare, it is govt “paid” healthcare. Govt “run” healthcare would be more like the Veteran’s Affairs, military hospitals, the Indian Health Service or the Public Health system. MFA would cost less than what is being spent currently in the US. Non-Profit and For Profit providers along with insurance companies currently “run” healthcare in the US, and all in all, are doing a terrible job.

Fwiw, i am a registered nurse with 20+ years experience in a variety of clinical settings.


Well-Known Member
Do you want the government run your health care and how you should live and take half your income ?

Forgive me, but i am not reading 7+ pages of hate. The question is faulty, so i won’t answer. Please phrase the question so that we know what country you are referring to. If it is the US, then who is suggesting that government should “run” your healthcare? And can you detail what is meant by the word “run”. In what way do you want “government” to “run how you should live”, and why does government need to take half your income?

IF you are referring to Medicare For All(MFA) being suggested in the US, that is NOT govt “run” healthcare, it is govt “paid” healthcare. Govt “run” healthcare would be more like the Veteran’s Affairs, military hospitals, the Indian Health Service or the Public Health system. MFA would cost less than what is being spent currently in the US. Non-Profit and For Profit providers along with insurance companies currently “run” healthcare in the US, and all in all, are doing a terrible job.

Fwiw, i am a registered nurse with 20+ years experience in a variety of clinical settings.
This may or may not have been a Russian troll that started this thread. There has been a lot of them popping up lately, they are just trying to make people mad at each other so that any conversation in the real world eventually blows up when talking about these important topics. Very good info though ty.


Well-Known Member
That’s exactly where I live.
It smells much better in turdastain then this rat infested place.
You can’t even copy words correctly, comrade. Go get in the line to hump your mom. 1000 soldiers can’t be wrong. Stand among men for a while.


Active Member
I see the mental hospital has allowed you some leave. Sadly you have accessed the internet. You’re not ready for life with regular people.
Who’s regular?
What is Crazy?
If you grew up in NY City, every morning you wake up and here cars and people, you step out your front door, people all over, cars all over, smells of a musk filth fills your nose, but this is all normal you wouldn’t even notice.
What if one day that man woke up and heard no cars, heard no people, walks out his door, smells fresh clean air, sees no cars, see no people.
Too Him that would Be: Crazy
Now take someone who grew up in the Congo of Africa who see barely anyone, and heard no car, seen no big buildings, smelled fresh air everyday.
If he fell asleep and then woke up in NY City, He would go out and look around and to him it would be crazy, he might even go around tapping on the shoulders of the people walking around telling them, this is not what life is, this is Crazy.
But all those people will just look at him and stare and tell him , “No MFer you crazy, get the fuck away from me”

So what is Normal and What is Crazy?


Well-Known Member
Who’s regular?
What is Crazy?
If you grew up in NY City, every morning you wake up and here cars and people, you step out your front door, people all over, cars all over, smells of a musk filth fills your nose, but this is all normal you wouldn’t even notice.
What if one day that man woke up and heard no cars, heard no people, walks out his door, smells fresh clean air, sees no cars, see no people.
Too Him that would Be: Crazy
Now take someone who grew up in the Congo of Africa who see barely anyone, and heard no car, seen no big buildings, smelled fresh air everyday.
If he fell asleep and then woke up in NY City, He would go out and look around and to him it would be crazy, he might even go around tapping on the shoulders of the people walking around telling them, this is not what life is, this is Crazy.
But all those people will just look at him and stare and tell him , “No MFer you crazy, get the fuck away from me”

So what is Normal and What is Crazy?
Look in the mirror for a definition of crazy. Don’t know how to get you to relate to normal.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Who’s regular?
What is Crazy?
If you grew up in NY City, every morning you wake up and here cars and people, you step out your front door, people all over, cars all over, smells of a musk filth fills your nose, but this is all normal you wouldn’t even notice.
What if one day that man woke up and heard no cars, heard no people, walks out his door, smells fresh clean air, sees no cars, see no people.
Too Him that would Be: Crazy
Now take someone who grew up in the Congo of Africa who see barely anyone, and heard no car, seen no big buildings, smelled fresh air everyday.
If he fell asleep and then woke up in NY City, He would go out and look around and to him it would be crazy, he might even go around tapping on the shoulders of the people walking around telling them, this is not what life is, this is Crazy.
But all those people will just look at him and stare and tell him , “No MFer you crazy, get the fuck away from me”

So what is Normal and What is Crazy?
Im gonna say your use of capitalization is crazy. Your imagination is as flaccid as trumps neck labia. "Normal" doesnt mean what they told you it does in your mall walker troupe.


Active Member
Im gonna say your use of capitalization is crazy. Your imagination is as flaccid as trumps neck labia. "Normal" doesnt mean what they told you it does in your mall walker troupe.
Your small flaccid feeble mind can’t even answer a simple question.
Use of SUch Captlaization can lead to wonderful Knowledge


Active Member
You know that theRe are Situations One cans find himself Idiodically impresseD wIth his Own Dialogue, which may lead to and Indented Conscious of Actually faiLing rather than being successfuL in this Yo-yo of a life. STUPID