Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
How bout the blatantly anti-semetic attack on Sanders, the only Jewish candidate in the race, by MSNBC analyst Mimi Rocah this weekend? "Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl, and I can't even identify for you what exactly it is.."

Would anybody here like to condemn her statement? Anti-semetic to say jewish people like Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl, and she can't even figure out why (obviously because she's dehumanized them..)
Where did she use the word Jew?

Did you condemn Schuylaar for calling somebody a "Jew-bastard"?


Well-Known Member
How bout the blatantly anti-semetic attack on Sanders, the only Jewish candidate in the race, by MSNBC analyst Mimi Rocah this weekend? "Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl, and I can't even identify for you what exactly it is.."

Would anybody here like to condemn her statement? Anti-semetic to say jewish people like Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl, and she can't even figure out why (obviously because she's dehumanized them..)
You clipped the quote.

"But I see him as sort of a not pro-woman candidate. And so, having the two of them there —— like, I don’t understand young women who support him. And I’m hoping having him next to her, will help highlight that."

It sounds like she doesn't like him because she thinks he's not-pro woman, and you just pulled the ant-semetic accusation out of your ass.
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Well-Known Member
You clipped the quote.

"But I see him as sort of a not pro-woman candidate. And so, having the two of them there —— like, I don’t understand young women who support him. And I’m hoping having him next to her, will help highlight that."

It sounds like she doesn't like him because she thinks he's not-pro woman, and you just pulled the ant-semetic accusation out of your ass.

I'm not sure though. You routinely call people faggots and don't think that's homophobic maybe you should explain how this is anti-semetic .
What a piece of shit this guy is. He makes my skin crawl. If anybody ever needed evidence that @Padawanbater2 and squarepush3r are on the same level, they can stop looking.


Well-Known Member
How bout the blatantly anti-semetic attack on Sanders, the only Jewish candidate in the race, by MSNBC analyst Mimi Rocah this weekend? "Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl, and I can't even identify for you what exactly it is.."

Would anybody here like to condemn her statement? Anti-semetic to say jewish people like Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl, and she can't even figure out why (obviously because she's dehumanized them..)
That’s not anti Semitic


Well-Known Member
Where did she use the word Jew?
Sanders is a Jewish man, she said she couldn't figure out why he made her skin crawl, she didn't voice any other candidates that made her skin crawl, she specifically singled out Sanders. If you can't read between the lines, you're probably anti-semetic, too


Well-Known Member
Sanders is a Jewish man, she said she couldn't figure out why he made her skin crawl, she didn't voice any other candidates that made her skin crawl, she specifically singled out Sanders. If you can't read between the lines, you're probably anti-semetic, too
Your intellectual dishonesty is staggering. So is your desperation. Nobody here agrees with you so I guess we are all anti-Semitic according to you. Oh, @schuylaar may be along to like your post, so the only person who isn't anti-Semitic is the one who uses the term "Jew bastard."

Well, I guess it is settled. Accusing people of racism if they don't support the "Progressive" candidate is officially a Progressive tactic.

You are a piece of shit. You make my skin crawl. I can understand why normal people find your rhetoric repulsive. You could not be doing more to re-elect Trump if you tried... literally.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Sanders is a Jewish man, she said she couldn't figure out why he made her skin crawl, she didn't voice any other candidates that made her skin crawl, she specifically singled out Sanders. If you can't read between the lines, you're probably anti-semetic, too
She knows he is Jewish but she can’t figure out why he makes her skin crawl. Yet you know it’s because he is Jewish, seems like there is an anti-semite here but it’s not her.


Well-Known Member
Your intellectual dishonesty is staggering. So is your desperation. Nobody here agrees with you so I guess we are all anti-Semitic according to you. Oh, @schuylaar may be along to like your post, so the only person who isn't anti-Semitic is the one who uses the term "Jew bastard."

Well, I guess it is settled. Accusing people of racism if they don't support the "Progressive" candidate is officially a Progressive tactic.

You are a piece of shit. You make my skin crawl. I can understand why normal people find your rhetoric repulsive. You could not be doing more to re-elect Trump if you tried... literally.
Defending an anti-semite makes you just as guilty by association


Well-Known Member
Right, you've reiterated your claim, now provide the evidence that Kulinski is paid by Putin
The evidence is presented by Kulinski in his monologues. You are suffering from cognitive bias and so you refuse to acknowledge it. Kyle's media program repeats right wing propaganda that supports the objectives of the radical right in his shows. Everything that comes from his programs is suspect.


Well-Known Member
She knows he is Jewish but she can’t figure out why he makes her skin crawl.
Because he's Jewish. Anti-semites throughout the ages have repeated this exact same trope. It's a way for them to dehumanize Jewish people and make them seem disgusting to ordinary people. The same way Trump says Mexicans are rapists but some of them are good people. Look up her history, it's not the first time she's attacked Jewish people. Pretty disgusting MSNBC would have such a rabid anti-semite espousing her bigoted views on an ostensibly Democratic news organization. Even more disgusting the biased among us double down and defend it when the anti-semitism is directed at someone you oppose. Shows where you really stand when it actually comes to bigotry and discrimination.


Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with anything

Are you just really sad bernie is doing so poorly seems the most upset. They really got Curtis into an intellectually dishonest twist.

"As expected, such a scathing commentary on a beloved Democratic presidential hopeful, who many feel was robbed by the DNC in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton, left many online incensed."

Lol. What a simple fuck.