@Padawanbater2, haven't heard from you seen you got your ass kicked. Maybe you have slunk away to the safe place of reddit porn threads so you could practice your moves on girls showing their buttholes.
Yup, I was right.
Bangin' body, thanks for sharing
Nips of course
Awesome figure, great skin. Hey thanks for sharing
You have a reeally attractive face, thanks for sharing
You have a fantastic figure. Really great hips! Thanks for sharing
I dig the glasses, thanks for sharing, Velma
You have really long legs! Thanks for sharing, cute butt
Great smile, and butt
Great body!)
You silver tongued devil.
But I have taken the time to Google whether there is any amount of substantial support for your ridiculous assertion that Mimi Rocah's comments on Bernie making her skin crawl (here it is in its entirety since you edited it in a dishonest and purposely misleading way: "Having Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren next to each other will really highlight — because for me, as, you know, again, I’m not the political analyst here, but just as a woman, probably considered a somewhat moderate Democrat, I… Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl.") are anti-Semitic.
It turns out that Google must be anti-Semitic too (by your "Vulcan logic") because their results "defend" her from your ridiculous assertion by returning nearly nothing. The only thing I can find are a few pathetic Reddit users (as I suggested) that took that tack and were immediately rebuffed. One of them, when it was pointed out that Rocah is Jewish, actually claimed she was Christian and cited the well respected news source celebbodysize.com
So, using your logic, if anybody, anywhere says anything, it constitutes real information and it justifies you accusing anybody of pretty much anything. Gosh, I can't see any problem with that sort of behavior.
Come on back buddy, I am far from done with you.