Nutrient Burn??


Well-Known Member
40C97AE6-5097-4E5E-ACF7-2BAAA2330673.jpeg 04C144F1-A608-4E13-9B7A-DC084CAF3E4A.jpeg ECB4F380-3E78-4C4E-BC69-1BD9484DE31A.jpeg Hi all! So these clones are doing awesome and after their third feeding in as many weeks (about 50% strength) I noticed this on one plant out of six. I am mixing ph balanced water in a clean 5 gallon pail and giving it a good stir then use a smaller container to do my watering. I am currently watering and feeding them once a week and water with about 1/5 run off. Any input would be awesome. Tonight I’m gonna flush the one plant with ph balance water and no nutrients for a while