Should some guns be confiscated and banned?

Take some guns away?

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  • No

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Well-Known Member
Visite?? Bro I think ur the real pocho lol get ur pocho ass out of here you fake ass Mexican
Gawd you're dumb. We know you frequent tranny hookers. (not that there's anything wrong with that) I'm saying that I never did. That's why I used the correct word, gringo.


Well-Known Member
The economy is amazing!! Foreign policy is solid his national security is also solid. Regulations are now gone so unemployment is literally un existent except for that bum from IB
40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency. Wages are stagnant, healthcare and rent are skyrocketing. The market hasn’t gained a point in 20 months.

We are no longer respected in the world and are under constant terrorist attack by homegrown white supremacists

90 million Americans who can work aren’t working

That’s his accomplishments?


Well-Known Member
Gawd you're dumb. We know you frequent tranny hookers. I'm saying that I never did. That's why I used the correct word, gringo.
No Einstein the proper word is visitaste smh and last ur that fat paisa that lives near the border lol ur lame ass can’t probably even get pussy cuz ur broke ass rents in IB


Well-Known Member
Obama did nothing lol !!! Bro why did Obama do please enlighten me ?
Obama nearly tripled the stock market while slashing the deficit. Wages grew under obama and 30 million people got health insurance

Oh and he didn’t inspire homegrown white supremacist terrorists


Well-Known Member
40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency. Wages are stagnant, healthcare and rent are skyrocketing. The market hasn’t gained a point in 20 months.

We are no longer respected in the world and are under constant terrorist attack by homegrown white supremacists

90 million Americans who can work aren’t working

That’s his accomplishments?
Well I have a degree so I have solid job with income and I own my house. This is what Obama left is a bunch of people who want free educations and free money i hustled like crazy to get where I’m at while watching friends in IB live of welfare cuz they didn’t finish high school so yes lots of lazy people don’t want to work unfortunately


Well-Known Member
I do oppose it lol I also oppose gangs,cartel and communist terrorism but I mainly oppose human trafficking
Name a communist terrorism incident then

Why did trump put Alexander Acosta in charge of human trafficking after Acosta gave trumps good friend and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal?


Well-Known Member
40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency. Wages are stagnant, healthcare and rent are skyrocketing. The market hasn’t gained a point in 20 months.

We are no longer respected in the world and are under constant terrorist attack by homegrown white supremacists

90 million Americans who can work aren’t working

That’s his accomplishments?
We're on the verge of another republican caused recession, feels like 08' again.


Well-Known Member
Did they forget to teach you their vs there, you uneducated white?
Lol bro my fat fingers can barely hit right I made a mistake and yes I have a degree lol ur seriously just sticking to that huh come on Man U almost had a good discussion quit going libtard on me


Well-Known Member
I didn't imply anything. You said you love the place. I said I never went. Nunca visite.

Your degree in poli-sci and economics from Trump University is toilet paper.
Bro then you know nothing of Mexico white trash stop fronting when u have never been there fake ass pocho