Make magats cry

Buck claims to be so smart and educated but yet he pulls 40’s every week building decks for a living lol some education it took to learn how to build decks. Every redneck white person you seem to love to pick on knows how to build decks and half of them never got a diploma Hahahaha you just keep slamming those nails and then slam those beers soon as you get off until you pass out with your laptop sitting on your gut, with RIU still up. What a life :bigjoint:
I see you have problems comprehending what you are reading.
Taxation is theft if you are not using any of the service it provides.
Again how many of your boys went to public schools ? Where do you get your water to drink ? sewage usage ? Do you drive on streets and stop at traffics lights.
Ii you were getting your arse beat on your property would you dial 911 after the bad guys left, promising to return

Taxation is theft because it transfers property from the owner to a nonowner without the consent of the owner.

The bad guys ARE "911", they are paid via theft too.
Awww. Did the snowflakes get their butts hurt??? Sucks when someone actually calls you clowns out instead of joining in with your far left narrative
Taxation is theft because it transfers property from the owner to a nonowner without the consent of the owner.

The bad guys ARE "911", they are paid via theft too.
Dollars to doughnuts you’d be calling 911 and so would the hyena you shack with if I showed up outside your house equipped to take care of business. You’d bust a nut crying for the “bad guys” to come quick. You’re one idiotic bastard.
Awww. Did the snowflakes get their butts hurt??? Sucks when someone actually calls you clowns out instead of joining in with your far left narrative

'Far Left' narrative is just another Right wing talking point. Good try, say about of stupid shit then call everyone snowflakes, I actually thought you might not be a mindless Trump troll drone, but I guess not. Bummer.
Nah I just like seeing how much y’all get your panties in a wad. It’s pretty comical at this point. Same 5 people over and over in each thread bitching about Trump Hahahaha makes me laugh so much.
Nah I just like seeing how much y’all get your panties in a wad. It’s pretty comical at this point. Same 5 people over and over in each thread bitching about Trump Hahahaha makes me laugh so much.
Some dumb fuckers would laugh while their house burned around them.
Look at all the outright fear of “Antifa” by these Trumptards. A bunch of people in Anonymous masks and no guns. Yet Trumpie and his dumbass followers want a law outlawing them and want the FBI all over them. They haven’t killed or beaten anyone and yet the right obviously is scared. Scared. Demanding laws from the side claiming to hate laws and regulations.
I like it here. The racial segregation you want so badly is illegal, we don’t build walls, abortion is legal, and property taxes and Obamacare are the law of the land, which rapes and enslaves you

Never post in any thread I make ever again you stupid fucking pedophile

I have no desire for government imposed racial segregation or government imposed forced integration.

Free people of any race should be able to chose their human associations rather than some other third party dictating to them.