2019 Election Talk


Well-Known Member
For anyone who hasn't completely shut their mind down.

Thanks for posting the clip where he says your mom, wife, and daughter are hypocrites if they wear makeup to work and expect to not be sexually harassed

You right wing extremists have fucking lost it


Well-Known Member
Right wing extremist lol.
I'm just a friendly Canadian who can tell you that socialism isn't possible in a country with a population like the US.
I was never anti-Dem/Left until they all started advocating for socialism and free everything for everyone.

If I get free health care, free college and free admission to the country, I might just move down there myself.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member

Dear Cucknucks, this circle jerk of Shitholeville stooges has been reported for self harming.

Ahh yes. Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It will be in next issue of the DSM, then you can get meds too!
headless chicken colour2.jpg
yer funny..what ever you are. (:
HaHaHaHaHaHa...looks like the idiot is rattled! My work here is done. I'm gonna put your stupidity on ignore and let you continue to make a jackass of yourself.
BTW....I'm pretty sure no one would call where I live "Shitholevile", dumbass. You are just making yourself sound even dumber that we already thought.
Now run along and get your nails done for the coming civil war - wear a bright orange hunting vest with a target on it......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting the clip where he says your mom, wife, and daughter are hypocrites if they wear makeup to work and expect to not be sexually harassed

You right wing extremists have fucking lost it
Yeah if you wanna be a lil bitch both and play the victim..thats exactly what you would hear


Well-Known Member
Right wing extremist lol.
I'm just a friendly Canadian who can tell you that socialism isn't possible in a country with a population like the US.
I was never anti-Dem/Left until they all started advocating for socialism and free everything for everyone.

If I get free health care, free college and free admission to the country, I might just move down there myself.
Who am I gonnabelieve, you or my own lying eyes?

You are a right wing extremist. A couple of triggers away from gunning down a mosque


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you wanna be a lil bitch both and play the victim..thats exactly what you would hear
I’m having trouble understanding you because you’re all worked up into a froth of dumb, loud, angry bigotry

Do you think women who wear makeup to work should be sexually harassed?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not. If you were to speak to anyone that knows Me, you would understand that i have nothing but respect for women. I've publicly beat the piss out of a guy who smashed his girlfriend's head into the side of a Wal-Mart in Nova Scotia and more recently a guy who grabbed the bartenders ass after she asked him to leave her alone.

Here's your problem UncleFuck. You feel some level of superiority because you stick up for the "offended". Even if you have absolutely no reason or logic behind it cause you wanna stick it to the man and be some sort of SJW hero. You're being offended to defend people who probably aren't even as offended as you think they are. And you sound like a moron. Don't imply that i dont respect women just because I'm smarter than you.

Eat shit.
If you’re smarter than me, how did I just get you to contradict Jordan Peterson right after you lauded him?

That seems like a trap that only some kind of dumb, angry, loud, bigoted, right wing extremist retard would fall into


Well-Known Member
The US progressives Buck and his side-kick are so scared Trump is going to win in 2020 they had to come disrupt the Canadian 2019 election thread.

Also they felt the strong need to tell us how they support the drugging of young children...(for reasons we don't know but can guess at).
I just saw a bunch of loud, angry, dumb bigots pumping themselves up by shitting on transgender folks with a bunch of toxic right wing propaganda and disinformation

Takes a really insecure piece of shit to do that

Hey dumb bigot, if your kid was suffering from depression, would you get him help for it?


Well-Known Member
If you’re smarter than me, how did I just get you to contradict Jordan Peterson right after you lauded him?

That seems like a trap that only some kind of dumb, angry, loud, bigoted, right wing extremist retard would fall into
Because you're too STOOPIDDDD to understand that he's not saying that. And youre too stupid to understand my point. I'm saying I respect women. I also think Jordan Peterson is right.


Well-Known Member
Because you're too STOOPIDDDD to understand that he's not saying that. And youre too stupid to understand my point. I'm saying I respect women. I also think Jordan Peterson is right.
I just saw him say that women who wear makeup to work and expect not to be sexually harassed are hypocrites with my own two eyes

Are you fucking retarded? Blind? Deaf?


Well-Known Member
Because you're too STOOPIDDDD to understand that he's not saying that. And youre too stupid to understand my point. I'm saying I respect women. I also think Jordan Peterson is right.
You're trying to argue with an animus possessed individual. Nothing you say will convince it to any effect - not logic, reason or facts; it simply wants to disrupt, and gets off on calling people names by stepping on the broken backs of whatever perceived victims de jour it can use to bolster its' "position". Its' purpose on this thread isn't to edify or enlighten. It could care less if you respect women, it just wants to call people names.

I guess life sucks when you are unemployed.


Well-Known Member
You're trying to argue with an animus possessed individual. Nothing you say will convince it to any effect - not logic, reason or facts; it simply wants to disrupt, and gets off on calling people names by stepping on the broken backs of whatever perceived victims de jour it can use to bolster its' "position". Its' purpose on this thread isn't to edify or enlighten. It could care less if you respect women, it just wants to call people names.

I guess life sucks when you are unemployed.
You literally support the “windmills cause cancer” guy