White people, particularly men:

Every person makes decisions about people all day long. We judge people unknowingly on weight, looks, etc. Some more than others. We tend to feel more comfortable around things we are used to. It a bit of nature and nurture. I know people that would have me imprisoned if they found out I smoked weed. My wife has known for well over 50 years. But we are scared of what we don't understand.
70% of those old non wealthy white guys already support Trump. 90% of GOP membership is white. Trump's approval rating has been consistently hovering around 42% for his entire time in office. Almost all of that support comes from white people. Trump is pushing a white supremacist agenda big time. As in "go back to where you came from", meaning Africa, to African Americans whose family line has been in this country for centuries longer than his.

Are you really saying that if we stopped talking about race and race-based bias that affects women and minorities, those old white men would consider voting for a liberal?
No, I was just talking about this one instance of needing to understand how what we say is being used. There is no question that pushing back on the white supremacists agenda is very important, and pretty much the main reason I have been posting so much in here lately, because I see what is going on now, unlike 2016 when I thought this shit didn't matter in the real world much more than some loons here and there.

If the goal is to divide us, working both sides is how they do it. Trump can stir up a bunch of white angst for a while, then pull some seriously racist shit out of his ass, then when he is rightly attacked, people online who say anything remotely one way or the other about race will get 'owned' about whatever they shared. Destroying any chance at a conversation.
No, I was just talking about this one instance of needing to understand how what we say is being used. There is no question that pushing back on the white supremacists agenda is very important, and pretty much the main reason I have been posting so much in here lately, because I see what is going on now, unlike 2016 when I thought this shit didn't matter in the real world much more than some loons here and there.

If the goal is to divide us, working both sides is how they do it. Trump can stir up a bunch of white angst for a while, then pull some seriously racist shit out of his ass, then when he is rightly attacked, people online who say anything remotely one way or the other about race will get 'owned' about whatever they shared. Destroying any chance at a conversation.
Yeah, we should just not say anything when a white man complains how downtrodden they are because of affirmative action. We should just let propaganda against the Civil Rights Act run its course and turn public opinion against it. That's how we'll get Trump out of office.
You are confusing economic issues with racism.
No I am saying economic issues is where the majority of racism starts.

People see advertising in the south about Detroit jobs with Ford and housing being available after WWII when people in Detroit started moving out into the massively expanding suburbs. The city starts to fill their vacancies with the people that moved from the south in search of a better life....

White guy across the hall from his new black neighbor 'remembers when Detroit was great', and doesn't understand that he was unable to move because he didn't have the wealth to do so and was stuck in Detroit. Over time more and more people moving in with lower incomes (aka less taxes for the city maintenance) to replace the middle class that was fleeing Detroit (who doesn't collect any taxes from surrounding suburbs like other major cities), which has to start spending far less.

What does that white guy see? His city went to shit because of black people, which is bullshit, it went to shit because of economic issues.
No, I was just talking about this one instance of needing to understand how what we say is being used. There is no question that pushing back on the white supremacists agenda is very important, and pretty much the main reason I have been posting so much in here lately, because I see what is going on now, unlike 2016 when I thought this shit didn't matter in the real world much more than some loons here and there.

If the goal is to divide us, working both sides is how they do it. Trump can stir up a bunch of white angst for a while, then pull some seriously racist shit out of his ass, then when he is rightly attacked, people online who say anything remotely one way or the other about race will get 'owned' about whatever they shared. Destroying any chance at a conversation.
I'm going to unapologetically call it out whenever I see it. That's what got me to self crit. That was the reason why I made a choice. No more ignoring racism and fostering fake unity. I used to be as ignorant as anyone. I was never malicious about race but I was ignorant and I let racist ideas in until I was called out a few times.

I actually credit my time in the military with starting to grow out of it but I still have room to keep growing. Being ignorant is human, it's just that different people are ignorant about different things. Most white Americans are ignorant on what it's like to be excluded. Maybe excluded isn't the right word, I'm not sure.
Yeah, we should just not say anything when a white man complains how downtrodden they are because of affirmative action. We should just let propaganda against the Civil Rights Act run its course and turn public opinion against it. That's how we'll get Trump out of office.
You go too far, is all I am saying (I think, I am so confused now by everyone's angle of being upset at me). I don't know what the conversation was about, I stuck my nose into something without really reading it. I was getting burnt out dealing with all the Trump trolls the last couple weeks and Trumps racist agenda that I took a couple days off from posting a lot. I was getting really quick to troll.

But I stand by saying with us not being able to talk about the realities of stuff without being instantly trolled, you won't be able to help people see what bullshit they have swallowed or have just said. Sometimes people write things wrong too, or it is just read wrong. I am not saying after a few posts they won't turn out to be trolls and you wasted that time, and get burnt out like I just did, but yeah idk, at some point I have to admit that anything I say can just be in my own echo chamber and this entire website could just be a foreign troll site, but I don't think it is, but I am gullible so I don't know.
No I am saying economic issues is where the majority of racism starts.

People see advertising in the south about Detroit jobs with Ford and housing being available after WWII when people in Detroit started moving out into the massively expanding suburbs. The city starts to fill their vacancies with the people that moved from the south in search of a better life....

White guy across the hall from his new black neighbor 'remembers when Detroit was great', and doesn't understand that he was unable to move because he didn't have the wealth to do so and was stuck in Detroit. Over time more and more people moving in with lower incomes (aka less taxes for the city maintenance) to replace the middle class that was fleeing Detroit (who doesn't collect any taxes from surrounding suburbs like other major cities), which has to start spending far less.

What does that white guy see? His city went to shit because of black people, which is bullshit, it went to shit because of economic issues.
You are still confusing economic issues with racism.

50 years after enacting the Civil Rights Act, white people are still favored over people of color in the jobs market. Also income is lower for minority workers when working the same job as a white guy. Systemic racism in the courts affects minorities regardless of economic status or the condition of the economy. Once convicted, their ability to succeed in this society is greatly diminished.

We aren't talking about what some powerless cracker says, we are talking about how people like Trump and other wealthy racists affect hundreds or even millions of people simply based upon the color of their skin.
You are still confusing economic issues with racism.

50 years after enacting the Civil Rights Act, white people are still favored over people of color in the jobs market. Also income is lower for minority workers when working the same job as a white guy. Systemic racism in the courts affects minorities regardless of economic status or the condition of the economy. Once convicted, their ability to succeed in this society is greatly diminished.

We aren't talking about what some powerless cracker says, we are talking about how people like Trump and other wealthy racists affect hundreds or even millions of people simply based upon the color of their skin.
I am not confusing racism for economic issues.

I am saying the foreign/trump troll propagandists are using the confusing of economic and racial issues to great effect, and because of this we/the people standing up to the racist agenda are having to wade through a sea of hateful troll bots and get short with actual people who may be confusing racial and economic issues, because its impossible to say things (which may be incredibly ignorant to slightly ignorant) without being trolled. Which just turns them off and back into the arms of the racist agenda.
Fuckdog now on Ignore. Others to follow. I hate asshole liberals too blind to see the truth. They’re as sick, dangerous and obnoxious as Trumpistas. Period. Ignorance is not an endearing trait.

Jesus Dude! What's with the angry old man syndrome? Don't they have any good bud in Alaska? If they do, you should smoke a bunch in the morning before you post. :lol:

Then you throw a hissy fit, denounce liberals, and threaten to ignore any members who disagree with you! If you are actually 70, then why do you act like a teenage girl? :roll:

Ulp, now you're going to put me on ignore! Go on, try it. :lol:

You go too far, is all I am saying (I think, I am so confused now by everyone's angle of being upset at me). I don't know what the conversation was about, I stuck my nose into something without really reading it. I was getting burnt out dealing with all the Trump trolls the last couple weeks and Trumps racist agenda that I took a couple days off from posting a lot. I was getting really quick to troll.

But I stand by saying with us not being able to talk about the realities of stuff without being instantly trolled, you won't be able to help people see what bullshit they have swallowed or have just said. Sometimes people write things wrong too, or it is just read wrong. I am not saying after a few posts they won't turn out to be trolls and you wasted that time, and get burnt out like I just did, but yeah idk, at some point I have to admit that anything I say can just be in my own echo chamber and this entire website could just be a foreign troll site, but I don't think it is, but I am gullible so I don't know.
This thread is about trolling white guys who claim to be afflicted by reverse racism.

My favorite is when @Padawanbater2 said he was expected to do better work than his nonwhite and female colleagues at work because he is a white guy.

Next to that is your claim that if it weren't for black people, some other group would have experienced slavery, jim crow, segregation, red lining, and Bull Connor. Because economic classism.

That's rich.

Yes I'm exaggerating but not by much.
I am not confusing racism for economic issues.

I am saying the foreign/trump troll propagandists are using the confusing of economic and racial issues to great effect, and because of this we/the people standing up to the racist agenda are having to wade through a sea of hateful troll bots and get short with actual people who may be confusing racial and economic issues, because its impossible to say things (which may be incredibly ignorant to slightly ignorant) without being trolled. Which just turns them off and back into the arms of the racist agenda.
So, you don't think that Trump, whose racist actions and statements long predate his rise in politics is racist?
I put @BurtMaklin on ignore because his opinions are uninformed and boring. We all have our limits of what we are willing to tolerate. Harley has his, I have mine.

Boring is the worst.


"We all have our limits of what we are willing to tolerate."

Lol, poor oppressed white.
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Lots of white children are born into abject poverty, and their struggle is just as real as anyone else's.
Try telling a couple of these idiots anything regarding the actual facts of life and they blow up in righteous indignation. One ridicules Buck for being a carpenter and yet I’ll wager money they couldn’t build a fucking birdhouse.
Jesus Dude! What's with the angry old man syndrome? Don't they have any good bud in Alaska? If they do, you should smoke a bunch in the morning before you post. :lol:

Then you throw a hissy fit, denounce liberals, and threaten to ignore any members who disagree with you! If you are actually 70, then why do you act like a teenage girl? :roll:

Ulp, now you're going to put me on ignore! Go on, try it. :lol:

I disagree with people who disagree with what I actually know is the hard lived truth! Oh and I grow far better than they sell. Doping yourself into numbness is only a temporary solution to anything.
I note one prolific poster here who never posts about pot. Looking back at multiple posts. Politics section only. Obvious blind liberal who could never understand the conservative point of view. Guaranteed the conservatives and the Republican Party suck hot ass. I’d never vote for another one. But I was able to be laughed off Facebook for predicting Trump would win. Because I actually talk to people all over the USA and have lived and worked from the southern tip of the Rockies all the way to Alaska. It’s easy to blow off either side if you don’t know people. It’s that simple. I’m blasting these blind liberals who will avoid ever agreeing with anything some conservative posts in the name of liberalism. They’re every bit as ridiculous and useless as Trump’s Slow 36.

Thankfully they’re the extreme minority.
Lots of white children are born into abject poverty, and their struggle is just as real as anyone else's.

Yeah but it was not governmentally mandated that they did like minority communities. That is the difference. Minority communities were actively kept at the lowest rung in society kind of like the cast systems other countries have. People always have been easily tricked by ignorant racism to feel better about themselves when they have nothing.

This thread is about trolling white guys who claim to be afflicted by reverse racism.

My favorite is when @Padawanbater2 said he was expected to do better work than his nonwhite and female colleagues at work because he is a white guy.

Next to that is your claim that if it weren't for black people, some other group would have experienced slavery, jim crow, segregation, red lining, and Bull Connor. Because economic classism.

That's rich.

Yes I'm exaggerating but not by much.

Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 4.13.26 PM.png
Yeah but it was not governmentally mandated that they did like minority communities. That is the difference. Minority communities were actively kept at the lowest rung in society kind of like the cast systems other countries have. People always have been easily tricked by ignorant racism to feel better about themselves when they have nothing.

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Notice I specifically said "children". A starving child is a starving child, regardless of color. This is why I support a basic minimum income and universal healthcare.