Epstein Commits Suicide.

Do you find his suicide fishy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 86.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 13.1%

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Well-Known Member
Agree Alex Jones has his own way shitting in the punch bowl. But where people make the mistake is they discount everything he says. And usally their opinion on his claims are based off comedian shows like Stephen Colbert or very heavily selective edited interviews or sound bytes to make him appear even more looney. It's very rare for anyone to double check his claims from the freedom of information act. I actually went a step farther cause I dont like to take anyones word for anything and I have found he was correct about 98% of the time. He does make me a bit suspcious on his over obnoxious behavior though. But no doubt on many issues hes been ahead of mainstream media by 10-20 years and thats why they hate him.
The dude who said his show is satire to a judge?


Well-Known Member
The dude who said his show is satire to a judge?
Again was taking out of context. Yes he has a personaltity on his show like any other TV host. It doesn't mean he meant the whole show was satire. The info presented was not satire. His stupid obnoxious behavior and his overhyped commercials is just what he thinks is funny. I dont really like his comedy in fact, I find it lame and obnoxious. BUT I dare you to double check some of his claims like operation northwoods false flag in the Vietnam War. Anyone can go there and read the official declassfied doc.

Like I said hes not giving out disinfo. He just goes out of his way to act obnoxious and clown so no one will take the info seriously. It's kindda like reverse psychology technique. Even the gay frog joke had scientific evidence from Berkeley study about a chemical in the water that was changing the frogs sex. But the way he presented it, no one could take him seriously. It's a shame he has to be so obnoxious!


Well-Known Member
As far as I'm concerned, Alex Jones puts out real info, and disinformation.
Agree Alex Jones has his own way shitting in the punch bowl. But where people make the mistake is they discount everything he says. And usally their opinion on his claims are based off comedian shows like Stephen Colbert or very heavily selective edited interviews or sound bytes to make him appear even more looney. It's very rare for anyone to double check his claims from the freedom of information act. I actually went a step farther cause I dont like to take anyones word for anything and I have found he was correct about 98% of the time. He does make me a bit suspcious on his over obnoxious behavior though. But no doubt on many issues hes been ahead of mainstream media by 10-20 years and thats why they hate him.

This ass can rot for putting families of children slain in Sandy Hook through conspiracy theory hell. Alex Jones is a flat out liar.


Well-Known Member
You conflate society with coercion based government. Potato face.
Honestly now - how many really close associates do you have living within walking distance and who are ready, willing and able to do whatever is necessary by whatever means necessary just to get sustenance? To band together with you and yours? I’ll guarantee you can count them on one hand and have 5 digits left over.

We note you post from the USA. Are you so heavily oppressed you can’t develop an escape plan? Surely there’s other places more attractive to you. I know I’d kick in for a 1 way ticket for your stupid ass
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