Remember his 2015 electoral promise to make it "incidental" next time you vote...


Well-Known Member

About the myclobutanil mini-scandals which started to multiply in 2016 or so...

« Beginning in September 1941, Zyklon B, the brand name for hydrogen cyanide (HCN), was the poison used to kill at least a million people in gas chambers at Nazi concentration and death camps such as Auschwitz and Majdanek. Unlike the Nazis' earlier methods of mass murder, Zyklon B, which was originally used as a common disinfectant and insecticide, proved to be an efficient and deadly murder weapon during the Holocaust. »

So, considering myclobutanil used to be a BANNED pesticide in Harper days, how did Hexo/Hydropothecary manage to publish a non-detection level for all to see without ever loosing their license?? Even worse, why is it now showing up on the "legal" list approved by health Canada, besides 95 other substances (so far...)?!

[ https:// ]
Mandatory cannabis testing for pesticide active ingredients - List and limits​

Answer: to perform further VILIFICATION in an ultimate effort to induce FEAR+SUSPICION in young minds, trying to reverse the traditional safety image of cannabis. All of it while making a dime on it pretending to save children...

In other words 1 single visit to a "legal" retail store may prove to be of little consequence, but would it be safe to risk chronic consumption in a context which still doesn't exclude non-detectable soups of similar poisons?? ... E. G. Maybe that's one good reason why there has to be an artificial binary system separating "medical" from "recreational" to begin with, go wonder.


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
1. i remember a lot of other electoral promises..missed the one where he said he would ruin the country in record time though are not trying to tell me HC allows Myclobutanil??
Salutations Old Mother Sativa,

As a matter of fact it turns out TomMarijuana is the one to reward, because it's his input which prompted me to check somewhat further. Personally i'm simply pointing a humble neophyte finger at something which the "science" of Health Canada already dealt with all by itself. Apparently its myclobutanil aka Zyklon trophy awaits for our scrutiny, available directly on-line, possibly just in case canuck citizens might pay attention only a couple months from the next federal elections:

[ https:// ]
Mandatory cannabis testing for pesticide active ingredients - List and limits

Active ingredient - Fresh - Dried - Oil
Myclobutanil - 0.010 - 0.020 - 0.01

Concentrations expressed in ppm.

The best part of it being that it is the consumers themselves who release traces of Zyklon gas through their very own action, by heating Trudeau's Mari-Caca in a smoke or vaporization context. E.G. "stoner$"/"droÿé$" self-vilification is to blame on ourselves now that it's been repeatedly made official there can be (and shall be...) myclobutanil spray performed as long as it's below defined "safety" levels, close to its NON-DETECTION threshold i figured...


In any case what's really important here is the symbolic "message" sent to seduce angry voters who can't care less for science as long as our "elites" manage to lure unsuspecting/vulnerable people towards such sacrificial hotel, today (if true science prevails...) or in a few decades when it's no longer possible to tolerate a juxtaposition of Zyklon vs Cannabis, presumably after the artificial bipolar "medical"/"recreational" ("legal"/"criminal") model gets exposed for what it is.

So, the "incidental" word finally begins to resonate strong while the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist (socio-toxic) efforts succeed promoting extra-caution in minds of all ages, pretending to fight "ADDICITION" as initially defined in Calgary/Alberta - which feels cynical as it seems that's also where Dow AgroSciences chose to install its canadian "head office", by some "pure" coïncidence if i may say so...


M'well, i certainly didn't "try" to tell "you" anything anyway. Please feel invited to draw your very own conclusions freely, then to share them with us as you see fit.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Hi again Old Mother Sativa,

so its not allowed?

The linked title felt self-explanatory to me, it appears canuck LPs face an obligation to verify that H.-C. approved pesticide concentrations ain't being exceeded, which intrinsically implies it's no longer BANNED. Not to mention Hexo remained in business despite repeated infractions dating back to 2016 or so...

Judging from what i (or anyone else) can read from the excerpt posted above, previously, i'm afraid reality exceeds fiction considering there are now 4 different full-registered products currently listed as: Nova (#22399), Eagle (#26585), Myclobutanil (#27916) and Golden Eagle (#29974). Which should inspire more serious questions:

Can anyone show some formal interdiction to keep these Zyklon-generating poisons around a cannabis cultivation space dedicated to inhalation-based markets (e.g. with combustion or just heating performed by its intended end users)?

If not then why keep it around unless there's a real intent to use it withing the duration of its relatively short shelf life anyway?...

How many more poisons (taken from a growing list of 96 so far...) actually had their non-detection level broadcasted A mari usque ad Mare simply to prompt greed-driven producers to further explore/develop non-detection soups?? "Legal" or otherwise.

If it's banned then why was some "incident" still registered in one of Québec's greenhouse, no later than by April 20, 2018? E.G. on a 4-20 using "Rally 40W"!...
Now, relatively to non-detection levels, please consider that humans weighing only 68 Kg (150 pounds) can be killed in 2 minutes if inhaling a tiny 70 mg dose of hydrogen cyanide, hence the name Zyklon (cyclone)...

Health Canada minimized the threat for relatively large mamals as humans but how about minuscule micro-organisms & insects? In other words, ain't that a win-win (bigot prohibitionists) scenario being able to "legally" avoid detection while still repelling powdery mildew, on top of rendering mari-caca "unpalatable" in potential chronic use context for example?! All In The Name Of Children...

Cap'tain Itnoc, away from Canuck land (2016-04-21) .PNG

Justin MiniPET Trudeau - Toronto Star (2016-Dec-3) [400x300] .PNG

The guy did promise to make it "incidental" and i do believe that's one of a few rare instances when he's telling us the truth. One single visit to the SQdC store may prove having little noticeable effects, yet how about non-incidental use?

And while i'm at it please comment about the other symbolic corner-stones paving his way to the next federal elections! Starting with Hilary Geller, a former installed H.-C. guru under Harper in days when the mother of 6yr-old Liam McKnight was told to make him smoke his prescription, sent to organize UNGASS 2016 nonetheless (...), then she "served" again when an opportunity showed up to deny "Harm Reduction" alternatives as e-Cigs/Vaporizers... Please, please talk to me about an enthousiast "advocate" as Joy Davies who was glowing with hope like a christmass tree while being instrumentalized to gain votes, only to get toyed with again once Justin's Liberals rejected her (much as a used preservative...) just a few weeks from the votation day - e.g. stunning "stoner$"/"droÿé$" while sending yet another trophy signal to the attention of those who chose Harper before! Lets also recall about the next January when Bill G20 Blair got nominated (who wants to epilogue!!), followed by Trudeau instructing police to perform their duty, concluded with the KILLING by SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert of an unarmed man over the equivalent harvest of ~3 plants not even his own - hours from April's fool day in Montréal-Nord/Québec, or only ~3 weeks from UNGASS 2016.

How about inviting international guests as Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkov to show up at a symposium on "ADDICTION", organized in Calgary/Alberta (again...) though it finally took place in hotel Marriott of Montréal.

Kevin Sabet at secret Int'l Montréal congress on addiction (2016-Oct) .PNG

The funny thing here is that Didier Jutras-Aswad seen on a "science" TV show on premium hours acted as "moderator" for this event's 2nd edition, we're talking about the author of 1 study on 120 studies, paid by Pfizer, later hired by Insys Therapeutics (which happen to be 2 fentanyl manufacturers by the way!)...

D. Jutras-Aswad & M. Joly - Business for the Arts - Royal On. Museum (2010-Oct-7) .PNG

Shortly put the dots align if one is ready to accept that Trudeau's "Légaleezation" conformed to a common feature all along and that's further VILIFICATION including incidental grade mari-caca meant to promote fear+suspicion in the minds of young generations who can no longer view cannabis as the safest mind-altering "dope" around.


In concusion it's mission accomplished, quite apparently bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists successfully aligned their trophys for public display and that's not even on the radar (or wait for Justin's auto-biography)! One next phase being to mute social media i think!


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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Some supplement hints of information on myclobutanil could be found at last:

[ ]
TLN: Weeding out the danger (2019-May-7)

« ...products approved by Health Canada for use on cannabis don't require testing for leftover residues... ... ...prohibited-for-cannabis pesticide myclobutanil was found in marijuana... ...producers who got caught using banned pesticides must now test all their cannabis for residue from those pesticides... »

Here's the catch. Apparently high-performance analysis intruments would be required to apply strict control; the article mentions "cutting edge equipment like a gas chromatograph with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer" to be exact... This prompts a few questions, for example what levels of banned pesticide soups can still avoid detection using resources currently available! As for substances specifically approved for cannabis cultivation this text also argues that "nobody has any idea of what happens when you combust and then inhale pesticides" - "There's just no data"! Which brings another question: which LP is ready to collect *ALL* of the required data necessary to turn theory into reality anyway??


Soon it's "4-20" (CoViD version...), time to pop! :!:

...the dots align...

Well, a couple years later i found out all this time i should have paid much more attention to seat #1 in the front row:


One more dot* from an old video of underated importance:

Canadian Society of Addiction Medecine
Canadian Addiction Medecine - Bulletin Volume 13, Number 1
Committee members: Dr. Ron Lim, Dr. Nady El-Guebaly, Dr.
Jean Pierre Chiasson.

And if we look closer at the man's facial expression i'd be tempted to think he was thinking of his suicidal son David, though i still can't tell if that was instrumentalized before Kevin Sabet took over the stage (to heat up the troups, while selling his books...), or after as a way to leave some lasting impression in the minds of 80-some "scientists" (and "therapi$ts"??), gathered in a symposium on ADDICTION.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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