What did you accomplish today?

In 96 my ex and I went to Hawai’i (Big Island) for nine days. It was awesome. We lived in the Bay Area, so the flight to LA was “tear along dotted line” of the San Andreas Fault. The leg from LAX to Keahole was like four hours and something. You must be going by seaplane at 200 knots. Are the savings considerable?

I think it's a pretty good deal. 8 nights in a king size ocean facing room at the hyatt regency waikiki, airfare and and 1 hour helicopter tour for just under $5k CAD. The best price I could find on the hotel room by itself was $3,296. From Hamilton to LA is 5 h 32 min then from LA to Honolulu is another 5 h 24 min. The itinerary says 737 for both legs.
In 96 my ex and I went to Hawai’i (Big Island) for nine days. It was awesome. We lived in the Bay Area, so the flight to LA was “tear along dotted line” of the San Andreas Fault. The leg from LAX to Keahole was like four hours and something. You must be going by seaplane at 200 knots. Are the savings considerable?
I’ve flown to the BI (usually to Hilo side)lots of times and usually I would go the cheaper route. SFO to LAX to HNL and than an inter-island flight to Hilo.
When I was 21ish, like my 4th time going over there, my buddy was going to UH Hilo at the time and then moved up to Volcano, i was in elevator at LAX with Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines. I thought that was cool as shit.
I think it's a pretty good deal. 8 nights in a king size ocean facing room at the hyatt regency waikiki, airfare and and 1 hour helicopter tour for just under $5k CAD. The best price I could find on the hotel room by itself was $3,296. From Hamilton to LA is 5 h 32 min then from LA to Honolulu is another 5 h 24 min. The itinerary says 737 for both legs.
You will love it.

One of the best sights we saw while there was seeing whales swim by while we had breakfast on the veranda.:blsmoke:
It was a bus ride, then across the Pacific, then two layovers on the west coast, then a car ride.

Dad got transferred to Clark in 62 & we followed a few weeks later from Illinois.
No clue how long it took or how many stops but I remember the prop's spinning so no jets for us then.

You will love it.

One of the best sights we saw while there was seeing whales swim by while we had breakfast on the veranda.:blsmoke:

My favorite Cetacean - Humpback's.
Very musical & entertaining.
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Nope, just herds of aphids, used spinosad and nothing. 5 weeks in flower.
Ladybugs will eat the shit out of ahpids and so do green lacewing larvae (aphid lions). Those might be your best bet this late in flower.

This spring we spent $10 on a couple packs of ladybugs at home depot and we've had zero problems with aphids in the garden.

Last year the little fuckers ate all our brussel sprouts. :finger:
Well damn, wife made sewer pipes!
Paper plates, hate doing dishes with sloppy stuff.

Paper (well, I upgraded to foam) plates and plastic silverware, I luv 'em. Here's a foam plate story:

Decades ago I was making BLT's one day (bacon fried in skillet no less) and my Rottweiler and Doberman were sitting there waiting/watching. I had two sandwiches all assembled ready to go on a foam plate, picked up the plate, the end of the plate broke off from the weight, sandwiches didn't even hit the ground before they snatched them out of the air and almost knocked me over. They sat back down looking for more like nothing happened, damn dogs:)
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Sure was, I would have no other reason to go to South Korea, Bulgogi is not THAT good. I lacked about 300 miles from circling the world twice in one year when the Gulf War broke out.

I would like to go to Seoul some day. It's not a bucket list place for me, but if the opportunity to go came up, I'd definitely go. I'm guessing military transport isn't the most comfortable and luxurious way to travel.

Enjoy, my kids are vacationing in Maui. I'm getting some gorgeous pictures.

I'm super stoked to go. My partner has been a few times, this will my first time. This will also be the first time I've seen the west coast of the US. I haven't been further than Nevada on the US side. We've been planning and saving for this trip for over a year. This summer we only made a single trip to the beach in NJ so I have a lot of pent up beach time waiting to get out.

You will love it.

One of the best sights we saw while there was seeing whales swim by while we had breakfast on the veranda.:blsmoke:

We're going on a helicopter tour that goes around the Ko'olau mountain range. I'm not sure if it goes over the ocean or stays inland. That would be cool to see them from above. I've been on a whale watching tour in Nova Scotia, but you don't get the perspective like your photo. You could see tails and fins slapping out of the water, but never the entire whale.

Dad got transferred to Clark in 62 & we followed a few weeks later from Illinois.
No clue how long it took or how many stops but I remember the prop's spinning so no jets for us then.

Where is Clark?
I would like to go to Seoul some day. It's not a bucket list place for me, but if the opportunity to go came up, I'd definitely go. I'm guessing military transport isn't the most comfortable and luxurious way to travel.

I'm super stoked to go. My partner has been a few times, this will my first time. This will also be the first time I've seen the west coast of the US. I haven't been further than Nevada on the US side. We've been planning and saving for this trip for over a year. This summer we only made a single trip to the beach in NJ so I have a lot of pent up beach time waiting to get out.

We're going on a helicopter tour that goes around the Ko'olau mountain range. I'm not sure if it goes over the ocean or stays inland. That would be cool to see them from above. I've been on a whale watching tour in Nova Scotia, but you don't get the perspective like your photo. You could see tails and fins slapping out of the water, but never the entire whale.

Where is Clark?

My kids went on a helicopter tour. I don't care for helicopters, Jesus nut.

Clark is on Luzon Island, near Bali Bago and Angeles City in the Phillipines. My husband was stationed there from 69-70.
Well about 10 days from when they started talking about it. Dorian will finally grace us with his presence. Forecasting 3in rain and wind around 45, gusts could hit 70. Coastal flooding with 3-6’ storm surge. I can’t imagine what it was/is like in the Bahamas. This storm was bad ass and literally stopped over the Bahamas. We dodged a bullet, can’t say the same for them. :peace:
couple packs of ladybugs
We had a friend hook us up with a big bag of them years ago and every spring we get a big hatch of them. Unfortunately they move on before the aphids get bad. My plants got aphids when they were outdoors when I was waiting for their mothers to finish off and I didn't check them prior to moving them indoors. Lesson learned. Not sure how the ladybugs would do indoors.