Well-Known Member
Stop posting bullshit.
Distilling is when materials are condensated from their vapor state. In a distillery, that's ethanol and water. In a grow room, just water unless something is very wrong lol That's the exact opposite of boiling.
The problem with the cannabis industry is that it's full of people who have never cracked a textbook and still think they know what they're talking about.
If the only way you can argue is with insult, thumbs up!
"Often, no special treatment required
Condensate is considered good water — as pure as distilled water, low in mineral content, and can be used for a number of applications in addition to cooling towers. Paul Puckorius, a 55-year veteran of the water treatment industry who runs Puckorius & Associates Inc., outside Denver, ticks off a few: irrigation; ornamental fountains and ponds; industrial process makeup; and even flushing toilets, if filtered and disinfected first. That precaution is necessary, he says, because toilet water can spray like an aerosol, which could expose people to Legionella bacteria. The same risk applies when HVAC condensate is used in lawn sprinklers, although this hazard is not associated with drip irrigation.
E.W. Bob Boulware, P.E., author of Alternative Water and Wastewater Management System and president of Design-Aire Engineering, Indianapolis, adds that condensate can also be used in swimming pools if biocide is added and even for potable water if steps are taken to reduce the risk of Legionella and other forms of biological contamination. In that case, treatment would include disinfection with ultraviolet light, chlorine tablets, ozone injection or raising the water temperature to at least 140°F.
Although the presence of Legionella, even at low levels, is a concern, higher levels are particularly unsafe. Boulware explains that most natural sources of water are not infective, but can become problematic when an amplifying device, such as an air conditioner, is present. Contamination of air conditioning condensate by Legionella is so common that kits are commercially available for adding to the condensate to inhibit microbial growth, he says."
So even from a University, they will threat the water before using it for toilet, or for lawn sprinklers... But they can be wrong since I don't think they ever grew cannabis...