Proper & Pure n,n-DMT pull / extraction

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All right... @quadbreath.
SWIM just tested SWIMs product again and nothing this time...

Absolutely nothing!!!

SWIM followed gordo tek and got fluff white crystals from ONE pull. As in image.
SWIM left in a crock pot for a solid 45-90 minutes. To heat and emulsify?
Is this wrong? Gordo DOES say to set timer for 10 minutes each pull...
For somer reason SWIM thinks Gordo is lying and went for 45-90 minutes instead.
Thought it would make the DMT stick more?

Also SWIM only used 35-40 grams of mimosa.

Did SWIM not get enough DMT in the crystals? Did SWIM kill off the DMT crystals?


Is SWIM smoking it wrong?
SWIM again is smoking it with Cannabis [sandwich method] and a poorly made glass vaporizer.
SWIM has successfully smoked another batch of another persons yellow DMT with the vaporizer, easily.

It must be SWIMS DMT...
or is it the smoking technique?

Also... Is there a wicked tolerance to DMT?

Any thoughts, suggestions, help; would be very much appreciated.
It's been a long time for me... Funny story, it was about 2011-2 that I ordered powdered Mimosa root bark from AMAZON!!! :shock: Yes it was being sold online there by a third party. They sold it as "Indigenous purple dye" and I got a 1/2 lb, I think. Soon after, they were offering ridiculously large amounts, taking like 100 lb. orders, then a couple months after my order, they were shut down. I think it was a couple of guys and a woman in Texas who were importing it and got raided by the FBI. If they were careful, they might have got off, but if there was the slightest hint of evidence that they knew it was being used for clandestine purposes by customers, they would have been nailed. And Amazon disallowed it, of course.
There was not long ago a study that finally confirmed that DMT is secreted in the pituitary of living rat brains. It's been found many times before in corpses, but I guess scientists needed to see it secreting in live brains to accept that it its not just a product of brain death. Anyways, I bring this up to say that as an endogenous neurochemical, it's highly unlikely, if not impossible to have a "tolerance". Not without some major brain malfunctions, although that's not exactly an expert opinion. It's hard to tell exactly how much crystal you got in the jar, it's out of focus. If you sucked it all up in a hit or two, you might just be getting too little. Or possibly vaping too hot? Could be a lot of things going wrong, but not building a tolerance.
I'm not sure but I wonder how to make the crystals more or less potent?

I tried one single hit and found a good way to smoke the DMT.
Got one huge full hit in perfect. I felt it for sure. Got visuals. Closed and open eye.

It's just...
I need to smoke some more before I give anymore reports on what exactly the DMT is trying to tell Me.
Since you are a known liar and complete fraud, grainy screen grabs won't cut it.

How about you post a picture with rollitup in the background like I did. Let us see your starting bark too.

I don't think you even use drugs...most likely, that is your problem ;)
I can't post an image of My bark anymore due to's new "upgrade".
It's hard to stay grounded when forces make You over analyze things that could contribute to a very poor attitude.

I am grade A.
you know... That @Purpsmagurps really gave some questionable material within the first few pages of this thread...

Thanks for all of Your n-oxide and zinc tips. Was just trying to make some blasted Deemsters...
Glad I never got into extracting other drugs with "cybs tech" and that ridiculous yellow bulb. Like You wanted Me to.

I'm still here and the jungle spice didn't hit Me as hard as You said it would.
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SWIM has been informing Me, [HEATLESSBBQ]...
That the beginning of this thread is inaccurate!!!!

SWIM hopes to keep this thread going as a learning process.
An evolutionary; of sorts. From bottom to top.

Its a bit difficult jumping back and forth but if it's for a good cause,
I am happy to reply back with SWIM's messages to Me.
Everyone the beginning of this thread was honestly based off 'pseudo'science...

Things ONLY get real when LIME tek is introduced with MHRB.

If One is REALLY trying to extract a n,n-DMT freebase to smoke,
blast off or go to hyperspace on... Check this WHOLE thread out:
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