Useful Seeds

I'm not a big fan of this article just because they used synthetics instead of cannabis, dronabinol, nabilone, nabiximols. I would be interested in more articles, or rather, personal experience about receptor site activation and longevity. I do not like opiods, never have. They dull the senses so much that you can hurt yourself because you can't feel the pain. This is how I converted my mother, The Nurse, who suffers from debilitating migraines. Yes, I had to wait for it to be legalized in our state and watch countless family members suffer and die. I swear, I come from a family of pain, which could be good because I have learned to live with it, for the most part. Cannabis allows me to know my limitations, the pain is still there, but not be bothered by the pain, still able to attain a certain level of daily activities. Barometric pressure changes are my biggest trigger. I want to pave the way...I have a grandbaby who has a 50% chance of having my condition, and her mother who needs to know we can live with this.

Ill dive deeper into the lit for specific native type cannabinoids, see what I can dig up.
Ill dive deeper into the lit for specific native type cannabinoids, see what I can dig up.
I can't thank you enough! These articles are very helpful! Usefuls seeds are already in medical records and charts as treatment/therapy for Hereditary Angioedema as a bradykinin antagonist. We are paving the way for Native Americans, because those doctors are open minded right now. It is a start.
I'm not a big fan of this article just because they used synthetics instead of cannabis, dronabinol, nabilone, nabiximols. I would be interested in more articles, or rather, personal experience about receptor site activation and longevity. I do not like opiods, never have. They dull the senses so much that you can hurt yourself because you can't feel the pain. This is how I converted my mother, The Nurse, who suffers from debilitating migraines. Yes, I had to wait for it to be legalized in our state and watch countless family members suffer and die. I swear, I come from a family of pain, which could be good because I have learned to live with it, for the most part. Cannabis allows me to know my limitations, the pain is still there, but not be bothered by the pain, still able to attain a certain level of daily activities. Barometric pressure changes are my biggest trigger. I want to pave the way...I have a grandbaby who has a 50% chance of having my condition, and her mother who needs to know we can live with this.

Thank you so much for your response! My sister has the 79xmas freebie that she got when she purchased BOO! I'll have to give that a try. Keep me updated on how BOO and BnO work for you! Happy growing, my friend!

Sis has the xmas freebie, I enlisted her as soon as it was legal! We were both on the ready for the BOO drop and both got a pack...but she got the freebie, all in the family, so we are good! You are seriously too kind Useful! I would love to try the Mint Choc Trip.

Sis bought quite a few CBD strong she needs to grow them! I have not had any luck yet with higher CBD ratio in my flower, but then again, Oklahoma isn't testing all their product yet. It's hard to rationalize spending big $$$ on untested product that doesn't seem to do anything. No direct science here, it's not something I have had the ability to test over a period of time. I know that raw cannabis seriously helps with inflammation, but needs to be consumed daily for efficacy. Thank you for your thoughts and encouragment!

I have had my eye on that one, thank you SO much for the confirmation!!! Blackened Oranges will be my next purchase! I did find my relief, you just handed it to me! The potential opens my heart and my mind. Now I'm off to spend the next 3 days with the lil birthday girl. Life continues! I love all of you and thank you for your kindness and support. Useful is more Useful than he knows!!!
try KRATOM if u haven't i take it instead of my 5mg hydrocodone lasts longer and feel less drunk i buy mine staxx on memorial dr if your in tulsa
Hey Useful, you mind if I attempt to reverse BOO to get some female pollen to hit my Double Purple with? I had an idea to cross the two and make "some purple stuff" from the sunny D commercial. you know, an orangy purple smoke. lol.
You have at it man, OR, I could make your life a lil easier, let me check the freezer, I THINK I have a lil bit of BOO pollen, I would rather you use that for your project, it's yours if I do. read that
So ughhh does anyone know where to get some Xmas tree beans :bigjoint: Maybe even crossed would be nice to lolollll! Sounds like Useful's already in the giving mood! Love the generosity! Gave my buddy a BOO cut today and he's like damn she already smells better than everything in my garden
I honestly have given away more packs over the years than I have ever sold. Ask Seriously, send me a PM and I will get a pack of the Christmas Tree Bud to ya.