The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Maybe.... Might explain some things. Uppers would be his drug if he used one. These pictures confirm nothing, a presidential drug test would though.
He might be gobbling handfuls of Sudafed though, but it wouldn't do much*.

Piss POTUS, piss for me, the law should make mandatory drug testing a requirement along with full financial disclosure and income tax returns and a medical examination. This should be done before the electoral college meets to decide with committees of experts that all delegates are bound to follow their recommendations concerning health and fitness for office. Each party would have alternatives to take the place of any future Donald's

Just make the electoral college fulfill it's original purpose, to keep Donald Trump out of office, that was it's purpose, reform it so that it fulfills it. If ya can't get rid of it, and are stuck with it, put it to use as the constitution intended, as a lunatic and psycho filter.
Shocking Pics Confirm Trump's Use of "Uppers"
Shocking pictures appear to confirm Donald Trump's likely use of "uppers" after boxes of Sudafed are found in his office desk

*If you take too much, symptoms of an overdose of Sudafed PE can include:
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • high blood pressure
  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • seizures
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