The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I said neo nazi, black panther, muslim extremist, Or anyone that preaches hate.

You can preach hate. I dont agree with it. But its legal and they have the right to do so. You also have the right to disagree.

The moment you react with violence, you are the one breaking the law, you are worse than the one preaching hate.
I think people have a right to stand up to hate groups that want to show up in their cities and counter protest them. And don't think that the anti-hate protesters are right act violently, but they are allowed to defend themselves from being attacked, and are not the ones spending money for a permit to spread hate speech and cause a riot, pick a fight and then cry foul when they get back what they asked for in the first place.

Have the democratic party put someone up for election that will beat him. Not Warren, Harris, Sanders, or the other yahoos. Put up someone with sense that will meet in the middle. Notice my reply doesn't insult you? Can you do the same?
Just because you might not understand the benefit to society in a certain program because it is not something that you have experience in, doesn't mean it is not a very effective program for our countries long run benefit. Like a food program. If the kids that would otherwise be hungry and unable to concentrate in school are fed a larger portion of those children will go on to graduate than if they did not. That means they will bring our society a far greater benefit and generally overtime will offset the money that goes into those programs.

Yeah man, as long as people are actually people everyone here is pretty cool, it becomes really obvious quickly when they are just cat fishing us with trolling.

A lot of what was said about Clinton was just Russian trolling that they used to get Trump elected. When Trump gave the Russians our polling data, the Russians/Trump used Cambridge Analytica's stolen Facebook data with it to pump out the most effective propaganda effort ever in a very pinpointed way to play on what the data told them we would fall for the easiest.

It sucked, every topic is worth taking a look at that you have seen since really 2014 (if not 2006ish IMO).
If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.

And cat fishing and trolling you speak of is basically anyone who disagrees with the left? See how members are attacking me with their keyboards? I am not trolling for a reaction but I kinda knew what to expect. This just kind of proves the point I was trying to make. You don't have to agree with me, but when someone resorts to name calling when i was honestly trying to have a discussion or at least give my own opinion. I didn't like obama but would never react the way people do when I say I voted for trump. Honestly I think we all can agree that there are better candidates, I just with they were on the ballot.
Have the democratic party put someone up for election that will beat him. Not Warren, Harris, Sanders, or the other yahoos. Put up someone with sense that will meet in the middle. Notice my reply doesn't insult you? Can you do the same?
Anyone you just named is beating the neo nazi praiser you just said you’ll vote for, dumbass

your very existence insults me. Your shitty fake act of hapless centrist is an insult to my intelligence and a big blinking red light letting me know how dumb you are to think we’d buy it

now tell me why me and my Jewish family should be tolerant of neo nazi praisers like trump or people who support neo nazis and neo nazi praisers like you

thanks, ya phony bitch
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If I cant provide my kids with food, then I fail as a parent and should be deemed unfit. If people cant take care of their own, they shouldn't be having kids. I would do anything to not watch a kid struggle, but letting their parents sit on their ass all day and taking my tax dollars to make up for their incompetence is what Im talking about.

And cat fishing and trolling you speak of is basically anyone who disagrees with the left? See how members are attacking me with their keyboards? I am not trolling for a reaction but I kinda knew what to expect. This just kind of proves the point I was trying to make. You don't have to agree with me, but when someone resorts to name calling when i was honestly trying to have a discussion or at least give my own opinion. I didn't like obama but would never react the way people do when I say I voted for trump. Honestly I think we all can agree that there are better candidates, I just with they were on the ballot.
Americans stand up for Americans ...seems simple
American values are not the same as right wing values
I think people have a right to stand up to hate groups that want to show up in their cities and counter protest them. And don't think that the anti-hate protesters are right act violently, but they are allowed to defend themselves from being attacked, and are not the ones spending money for a permit to spread hate speech and cause a riot, pick a fight and then cry foul when they get back what they asked for in the first place.

I totally agree. I've been to a protest or two, and I have seen antifa counter with violence.
Appreciate all the replys.

But some of you are what I call "triggered" You react on pure emotion and thats fine, I will not bring myself to argue with you. If I wrecked you day, It was not my intention.
This phony bitch is VERY concerned about insults and doesn’t support trump

but he also plans to vote for trump twice. after trump praised neo nazis

who the fuck is dumbenough to think that shitty act willwork?
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Appreciate all the replys.

But some of you are what I call "triggered" You react on pure emotion and thats fine, I will not bring myself to argue with you. If I wrecked you day, It was not my intention.
You didn’t ruin anyone’s day, but you did just expose yourself as a neo nazi who’s too cowardly to just admit it

I don’t support trump, but.... Antifa! Triggered! So much for the tolerant left!
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I said neo nazi, black panther, muslim extremist, Or anyone that preaches hate.

You can preach hate. I dont agree with it. But its legal and they have the right to do so. You also have the right to disagree.

The moment you react with violence, you are the one breaking the law, you are worse than the one preaching hate.
White nationalist terrorist cause over 90% of terrorist acts in America, muslims caused very few compared to white male racist in the past decade. Neo Nazi's are racist losers and of no account, there are no successful or even well adjusted people among them. They project their own failures and fears on others and do not deal with their own issues like adults, but blame others instead, like Donald.

I won't be legal to preach hate too much longer, the SCOTUS spoke to the first amendment on issues like this many years ago. Hate speech is not free speech. Reasonable guns laws are of no concern to 90% of NRA members who support such laws.

This forum is not a place of physical violence other kinds of aggression are practiced here. A year from now calling baseball bats MAGA hat removers, will not be seen as an act of violence, or even hatred, just an act of patriotism. Wearing a swastika in the wartime America was not a good idea either and if someone took a baseball bat to them, they might have gotten a minimum fine, maybe. A collection by friends and neighbors would quickly cover it, unless the judge lost his son to the war, then he might just shake their hand and pay their fine himself out of his own pocket.

Such a fate awaits Trumpers in a year or two, when the story has been told and a majority of the American public works itself into outrage. Already you guys are dancing around the edges of bullshit, 6 months ago you folks were all in for Donald, most are now afraid to admit it, like you.
Keep talking my friend, the tolerant left is very tolerant today I see.

I am here because i can be. Because its a discussion forum and I am simply adding my opinion, the same as you.
I would think one of the first things they would teach you at the Russian troll factory is try to make your handle a little less Russian obvious. You fail miserably, kgp. It’s a dead giveaway!!! KGP=KGB.
No make good troll are bottom shelf troll.

White nationalist terrorist cause over 90% of terrorist acts in America, muslims caused very few compared to white male racist in the past decade. Neo Nazi's are racist losers and of no account, there are no successful or even well adjusted people among them. They project their own failures and fears on others and do not deal with their own issues like adults, but blame others instead, like Donald.

I won't be legal to preach hate too much longer, the SCOTUS spoke to the first amendment on issues like this many years ago. Hate speech is not free speech. Reasonable guns laws are of no concern to 90% of NRA members who support such laws.

This forum is not a place of physical violence other kinds of aggression are practiced here. A year from now calling baseball bats MAGA hat removers, will not be seen as an act of violence, or even hatred, just an act of patriotism. Wearing a swastika in the wartime America was not a good idea either and if someone took a baseball bat to them, they might have gotten a minimum fine, maybe. A collection by friends and neighbors would quickly cover it, unless the judge lost his son to the war, then he might just shake their hand and pay their fine himself out of his own pocket.

Such a fate awaits Trumpers in a year or two, when the story has been told and a majority of the American public works itself into outrage. Already you guys are dancing around the edges of bullshit, 6 months ago you folks were all in for Donald, most are now afraid to admit it, like you.
Please don't generalize me by the few posts you've read. I'm a real person with many stories just like you.

My point was that all hate groups are wrong.

Just like uncle buck is triggered and hates me. Why is it okay for him to hate me? "hate is wrong and I hate anyone who hates" See how stupid that sounds?
Dr pizza is real though
You believed it, you were all in for pizzagate, even after they discovered there was no basement, the place was built on a slab. You also "like" every Trumper, treasonous and racist post made on this forum Joined Apr 4, 2019. Ifigure we are dealing with two or three socks here a VPN and one member who is afraid and ashamed of what they say and believe. Many" likes" are from socks.
I would think one of the first things they would teach you at the Russian troll factory is try to make your handle a little less Russian obvious. You fail miserably, kgp. It’s a dead giveaway!!! KGP=KGB.
No make good troll are bottom shelf troll.

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Cant debate? Lets resort to name calling. disagree? Lets call eachother names. Thats very productive.

I don't hide behind a keyboard and throw insults.
Please don't generalize me by the few posts you've read. I'm a real person with many stories just like you.

My point was that all hate groups are wrong.

Just like uncle buck is triggered and hates me. Why is it okay for him to hate me? "hate is wrong and I hate anyone who hates" See how stupid that sounds?
I've read your posts, and this one is completely inconsistent with your past posts, you do not appear to know right from wrong, your posts say as much. Talk honorably and honestly if you want any respect from decent people, this kind of foolishness impresses nobody.
Just like uncle buck is triggered and hates me. Why is it okay for him to hate me?
You show support for people who murdered 6 million human beings and figure they and their modern equivalents are just fine people.
What if you're a Jewish or even black? These people want you and you family exterminated, why else wear a hakenkreuz?

It's the same for those who support treason, they want to harm you, your family and your country.

What is your response
gun owner to someone trying to harm your family?

You own a gun, so your planning on hating someone enough to use it on them.
Have the democratic party put someone up for election that will beat him. Not Warren, Harris, Sanders, or the other yahoos. Put up someone with sense that will meet in the middle. Notice my reply doesn't insult you? Can you do the same?
You mean, like Tusli Gabbard, right? I think she's triff!
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I've read your posts, and this one is completely inconsistent with your past posts, you do not appear to know right from wrong, your posts say as much. Talk honorably and honestly if you want any respect from decent people, this kind of foolishness impresses nobody.
I've stayed consistent and I'm not here for respect. I wish you all the best but honestly can care less what each and all of you think about me.

I don't agree with any hate group of any color, but I defend their right for freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom that we all have as a right. Just like you, we may not agree on things but I will defend your right to think and say what you want. Your feelings are no more important than mine, or even uncle buck. We all lived our own lives and from experiences that weve lived through shaped our thoughts and feeling in one direction or another. And as much as I feel I am right, so do you.

Its easy to sit here behind a screen and talk smack, but I bet in reality most of us would not say the things we do face to face.