The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

"Do you want lettuce to cost $20 a head??". I hate that shit. It means it already costs $20 a head, you're just not paying it at the counter. Farmers and their antiquated unsustainable business models should fail like every other shitty business does.
Jim Jordon got his conspiracy on. With all the anger he could muster, shame he didn't have that riotousness when he was first told about doctors molesting his wresters.

I checked out the comments below, it is bumped up to a top video on youtube, has 24k views. CNN is the highest with Schiffs at 12k (useless knowledge).

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Trump must have his bots on overtime today to push his stuff to the top of the search results.
His whole point was dumb. Okay, you found one sentence that didn't look 100% clear amidst everything else that's perfectly clear. Now what.

I can't read youtube comments. They're a metaphor in this house for the lowest common denominator. :lol:
John Ratcliffe (R-TX) just screwed something up (I am no longer watching live). He asked a question and wanted so bad for the ambassador Taylor to not get to answer it because it blew his conspiracy theory away.

At 3 minutes in is where he messed up.
Jim Jordon got his conspiracy on. With all the anger he could muster, shame he didn't have that riotousness when he was first told about doctors molesting his wresters.

I checked out the comments below, it is bumped up to a top video on youtube, has 24k views. CNN is the highest with Schiffs at 12k (useless knowledge).

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Trump must have his bots on overtime today to push his stuff to the top of the search results.
Jordan brought out the facts haha. Telephone games

This gets into the conspiracy theory build up.

Ambassador Kent: "You can't promote anti corrupt action without pissing off corrupt people"

Pretty well sums it up.
Are you quoting one of the youtube comments?
Wow I missed it cause I had stuff to do earlier thanks for posting the video. Star witness tore to shreds haha
3 meetings and no mention of quid pro but he was still clear based on that clusterfuck mentioned from the other diplomat lmao.
Wow I missed it cause I had stuff to do earlier thanks for posting the video. Star witness tore to shreds haha
3 meetings and no mention of quid pro but he was still clear based on that clusterfuck mentioned from the other diplomat lmao.
You miss the part that the first 2 meetings were before Aid was withheld? And the 3rd it did come into play.
You miss the part that the first 2 meetings were before Aid was withheld? And the 3rd it did come into play.
The 3rd it did not. He was never told anything directly. He was parroting what he had heard that someone else had heard. This circus is closed before they even got all the popcorn popped.
The 3rd it did not. He was never told anything directly. He was parroting what he had heard that someone else had heard. This circus is closed before they even got all the popcorn popped.
Bank employee runs into bank managers office yelling there there is a bank robbery happening and calls 911.

Well did you actually hear the voice of the bank robber? Well call back when you do....