Aussie Growers Thread

I do soil
1 part worm castings
1 part perlite
2 parts high quality compost and I make sure it’s really broken down
1 part coco
Plus kelp meal, lime (calmag), fish meal and bone meal
Then I just add that professor something organic nutes it’s single part and it’s ph perfect to 6.5 doesn’t say it but it always is weird. Can’t beat good old go go juice either
I only run half strength nutes at the most.
Soil is good stuff if you have good stuff. This recipe has changed my grow’s which I’ve done very few of lol but obviously has taken a bit of time to perfect. This my 4th soil grow indoors but first with this batch of soil.
It’s a bit of work but it’s personal so I want that good taste that soil seems to give
Sounds on par with all other good soil mixes i read up on. Would of put allot more into my soil but roughly took about 4.5 cubic meters to back fill the cple trenches an 4 single holes for me plants to go into so funds were holding me back from going all out with the extra goods it needed. My soil is mixed with mshrm cmpst bit of dolomite lime scoria instead of perlite and dirt that came outta the hole..
Sounds on par with all other good soil mixes i read up on. Would of put allot more into my soil but roughly took about 4.5 cubic meters to back fill the cple trenches an 4 single holes for me plants to go into so funds were holding me back from going all out with the extra goods it needed. My soil is mixed with mshrm cmpst bit of dolomite lime scoria instead of perlite and dirt that came outta the hole..
scoria is better for outdoors imo,perlite is just less weight. It’s a pain moving pots around a tent like a game of Tetris
Scorias seems to be workin out good put layer in bottom then mixed with the rest into the soil. The ground wasn bad bit sandy up top then good till bout 1ft down then hit into clay. But its draining good with the mix i got..

Be allot easier playin tetris with them if ya run into any drams though instead of them been buried into the ground. Keen as to get an indoor setup going all the grows you lot on here have going look great
Scorias seems to be workin out good put layer in bottom then mixed with the rest into the soil. The ground wasn bad bit sandy up top then good till bout 1ft down then hit into clay. But its draining good with the mix i got..

Be allot easier playin tetris with them if ya run into any drams though instead of them been buried into the ground. Keen as to get an indoor setup going all the grows you lot on here have going look great
Yeah some of these boys are pretty talented
That was my first and only attempt. Learnt allot.
Im like u, I like getting them all out once a week I put em on a bench, spin em around.If I don't make myself do that I get lazy and things go downhill or not noticed. Saved a shit load on nutes going to handwatering to

Exact same here. I like to be able to move the plant around or in and out the area as needed.
10yrs ago I was doing RDWC and it was bomb ass in terms of growth rates but they weren't really moveable so I didn't maintain the plants the way I needed to.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Hand watering every day forces me to pay full attention.
Didnt mind the older preludes they first cuaght me eye on an old show called high octane. Great show anyway if i was to own one id go for the first gen look mint dumped an flared out..
I got the best looking model lude out of a models . 5th gen with the boxy rear end. Looks similar to a 180sx at rear
I like sativas I have a few white Bhutanese beans supposed to only be one gen removed from a true land race. I’ll pop it soon it’s supposed to get huge and I can’t have that we’re I am but I want to grow it outdoors so figure leave it a bit later and it is like 14 week flowers time. Probably more knowing my luck
I got some Pink Floyd I want to run, but I want to run a few of them to find a shortish flowering one
Nah all good beernuts wasn tryna tell ya ur wrong just thought id ask. More info the better. If somethings been tried an tested that works ill give it a shot
when u put water on dry soil it sits on top and most of it runs away, in a pot this is down the sides, making it look like the pot is well watered when in fact its not. There is some scientific name for it... So its best to put on a little water first to hydrate the soil and then water.
when u put water on dry soil it sits on top and most of it runs away, in a pot this is down the sides, making it look like the pot is well watered when in fact its not. There is some scientific name for it... So its best to put on a little water first to hydrate the soil and then water.

Makes sense.. ive got most me plants in two long rows i was just flooding the area let it soak in then do again. But thered still be 1 or 2 plants later or early next day lookin like there in need of i drink probs due to it running off.
Scientific name is probs called use common sense an ull be right
I got some Pink Floyd I want to run, but I want to run a few of them to find a shortish flowering one

Had a look on the pink floyd, sounded alright whats your thoughts on the ghost train haze?.
Why dont you blokes like runnin these long flowering sativas in doors, If the smoke is good then why not let them run the xtra month
Power bill
And gth#1 from rare dankness done me well.outside 17 oz off a plant put in 4 weeks later than normal
What would be the average bill on running 2 1000w lights and all the gear to go with it?.
Might look into getting some gth for next year if i can find any where thats got it in stock..
Sativas handle the heat better then the indicas outdoor?
What would be the average bill on running 2 1000w lights and all the gear to go with it?.
Might look into getting some gth for next year if i can find any where thats got it in stock..
Sativas handle the heat better then the indicas outdoor?
You don't need 2 x 1000 unless u got a big enough area ?