Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
its not gonna be that much they only draw a few amps and its not all the time only during flowering really


Well-Known Member
Fk aye lot off good answers. Puts it into perspective though at a conservative 300 a month round it up to 400 looking at 1200 per 1/4 fair enough would be easy to cvr expenses frm the turn around. Add on the everyday pwr usage lookn at 1800 per 1/4 sure that would raise some red flags.. Might just stick with the few outdoor girls be good fun runnin something on that scale though
That’s still less than what a family of 4-5 would rack up


Well-Known Member
I should add actual bill was 775 less about 325 because of the credit rebate
Tents turned off over summer now and we won't get a bill they will be paying us credit