when will smoking feel good again?


New Member
i am so disappointed lately, ive enjoyed weed for 7 years, smoking quite often, and it always helped me de-stress amd relax. Ever since 3 months ago, it has given me horrible, horrible anxiety and doesnt feel even remotely close to being stoned. Let me explain though, Ive been on risperidone and prozac for two years while smoking, and it all seemed normal and fine, until my friend offered me a low dose of kratom one night. ever since that night, when i had a severe anxiety attack out of nowhere, i just dont get stoned anymore:( i get bad, bad anxiety from smoking. id quit prozac that same week, to see if that helped.... i feel stupid for taking those meds and smoking at the same time... nobodys perfect tho. anyway, i really really miss weed. does anyone know if ive probably damaged my thc receptors? or something else? is this permanent? Dx
Did you bonk your head or something? If so, just bonk your head again and it should go back to normal
try decrease the potency of the smoke.
Try put less weed if you smoke it, less thc
Maybe different strain too, some strains give that racy, anxious for some high
i am so disappointed lately, ive enjoyed weed for 7 years, smoking quite often, and it always helped me de-stress amd relax. Ever since 3 months ago, it has given me horrible, horrible anxiety and doesnt feel even remotely close to being stoned. Let me explain though, Ive been on risperidone and prozac for two years while smoking, and it all seemed normal and fine, until my friend offered me a low dose of kratom one night. ever since that night, when i had a severe anxiety attack out of nowhere, i just dont get stoned anymore:( i get bad, bad anxiety from smoking. id quit prozac that same week, to see if that helped.... i feel stupid for taking those meds and smoking at the same time... nobodys perfect tho. anyway, i really really miss weed. does anyone know if ive probably damaged my thc receptors? or something else? is this permanent? Dx

Maybe your experiencing magnesium deficiency? I get real bad side effects from Cannabis intake if I don't supplement with Magnesium with anxiety etc as result. I use Magnesium glycinate which is highly bioavailable.

You won't experience it when you first start smoking and are young. We change as we age and so do our nutritional requirements. If you want to mitigate feeling of paranoia I would also look into aniracetam and a good choline (cdp choline, alpha gpc) source.

You cycle it. I use it for three days on and then go off and use UMP (Uridine Monophosphate) with choline and Omega-3. I also have 2 days of a week on Saturdays and Sundays. Everything I listed with help with your symptoms. Supplements and Nootropics in general do wonders if used properly. Good luck!
This is happening to me right now with lexapro which is an anti depressant. I take lexapro for constipation.

I’m actually smoking cbd bud and not thc bud but my situation is similar to yours.
I plan on quitting lexapro once my constipation subsides.

It sucks. I really enjoy my buzz but unfortunately not right now.
Yes I do, when not smoking bud

Lexapro increases my anxiousness

If you recently started taking lexapro or upped those dose (last 90 days or so), I would consider the panic symptoms part of those chemical processes.

I had bad reactions to lexapro some years ago and had to get taken off of it for similar reasons. I would consider having a chat with the prescribing physician and just be sure to relay that the are using cannabanoids in case of possible interaction.

But stimulants, gonna stimulate? So make sure you are in a healthy headspace before timing up. Look into microdosing or a break to get things back in balance.

You have this new year, you are gonna get it together and start crushing it. 2020 is all you buddy, make it yours; whether it is a pain in the dick or not!
If you recently started taking lexapro or upped those dose (last 90 days or so), I would consider the panic symptoms part of those chemical processes.

I had bad reactions to lexapro some years ago and had to get taken off of it for similar reasons. I would consider having a chat with the prescribing physician and just be sure to relay that the are using cannabanoids in case of possible interaction.

But stimulants, gonna stimulate? So make sure you are in a healthy headspace before timing up. Look into microdosing or a break to get things back in balance.

You have this new year, you are gonna get it together and start crushing it. 2020 is all you buddy, make it yours; whether it is a pain in the dick or not!

Hey, how long did it take before side effects from your antidepressant subsided?

I use lexapro in the winter for like 3 weeks to get my bowels back into balance.

I’m wondering if I should just keep taking it and see if my body will stabilize.
Antidepressants are pretty stimulating in my system.
It can take two months for the dose to reach the stable target levels your physician outlinesd on your care plan.

If you don't need them (?) and are continuing to take them there is a possibility these anxiety/depression symptoms could worsen.

Anti-Depressants often do more harm than good if you don't need them for chemical equalization.
From my experience I prefer sativa's to be happy. Some indicas and some hybrid strains today just overpower the head. At the moment my go to morning pick me up is a copper chem x tangerine peel cross. Very upbeat. If I smoke say gg4 it overpowers the sativa leaner and knocks me out. Same with the other 5 strains in the jars. So I try to grow a good sativa leaner each round. Mix it up. ymmv
A healthy high fiber diet and some exercise might be just as effective or more.

Yea I actually deal with really bad constipation.

Fiber is only smart part of the solution and I get plenty of exercise at work.
Neither have fixed my constipation. I wish it was that simple.