Bagseed Experiment

Seed of Memory

Active Member
My girl is still doing well. She is producing bud sites and as of this morning there are white pistils everywhere I thought would be a bud site. And the scent is getting much stronger in the tent itself.

Also, my soil and all that has arrived. I pick it up today as we'll as the seeds sent to me by a breeder to test for him. I'll be documenting that growth as well. I will be logging all of that info on Chucker's Paradise in the forum Jedi's Junkyard from start to finish.


Seed of Memory

Active Member
So today i re-potted my girl. And got some seeds in rapid rooters. Trying a DIY approach with a propagation station. Never used them before so we will see if i continue to do so in the next few days.

She seemed a bit root bound when i pulled her so I'm hoping I caught her early enough in flower not to have damaged her and that the up-pot is just what she needed. She has white pistils sticking out everywhere and is beginning to get a natural skunk smell.


Seed of Memory

Active Member
Finally got some decent pictures of the girls without them being at risk of my cat eating them. They look good. Rolling right along. I have another set of leaves on the small one now that have the same issues as the leaves I previously posted. Looks like I have a small amount of nute burn on my big girl as well though hell knows how as I do quarter strength nutes maybe 1 out of 3 waters. Ppm meter will be here by Christmas.


Seed of Memory

Active Member
Been a while since I have updated this journal. So my girl is on day 41 of flower. Buds are around 50% red on the pistils and trichomes are still clear. I imagine i have a few weeks left on her but I can be patient.

