Yeah, but WHAT is your alternative?
Trillion dollar deficits before, Stock market is up or down on its own whims, GDP has been higher than that and you know it, kids in cages was debunked as OBAMA era photos, obamacare still exists?, healthcare IS going up but has been for years, farmers have been losing their farms to shitty tax laws for years, and wages are going up the first time in years....
Obama cut the deficit by $1.2 trillion.
Obama tripled the stock market
Gdp growth was higher under Obama
Millions gained insurance under Obama
Premiums grew at the slowest rate ever under Obama
Farmers didn’t lose their farms under Obama because Obama never started any retarded and unwinnable trade wars
Wages started to grow under Obama and became stagnant under trump
And Obama never locked kids in cages. He was slammed by 60,000 unaccompanied minors. He processed all of themwithin72 hours, where they had access to toothbrushes and showers, an united them with family they had here
Trump is seeing a normal amount of migrants seeking refuge. He is separating parents from their children, locking them in separate concentration camps for indefinite detention, and denying them access to toothbrushes and showers
He is putting two year old children in criminal trials
You are such a lying sack of shit.