
Sorry for the delay. When I got home everyone was ready to eat and of course we had some sockeye salmon, lol. I'm terrible at remembering to take pics until it's too late. Sorry no dinner pics :wall: Anyway I flew into Anchorage and drove down to Soldotna. We have a buddy there that has a place with a couple cabins, a boat and knowledge of the local rivers. Can't beat a free guide service, he never asked for a dime. But we made sure to take care of him before we left.
The fish count was 70,000+ coming up the river everyday we were there. We had to of hit the run at its peak because the day we left was it 27,000. Needless to say we were limiting out in about 2 hours everyday on reds. Between 4 of us we filled an 8ish cf freezer in 5 days with filets and bellies :razz:. My buddy and I brought back about 240lbs of fresh sockeye, and now everyone I know is bugging me for fish. We fished for another couple days but didn't keep anymore for ourselves. It was f ing amazing to say the least. And it my first trip up there too, another one of them..... What took me so long? type of deals. I checked out some property up there too, I already have the wife on board to buy an acre lot so we can have a place to go to every year and fish.

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Gorgeous filets on theseView attachment 4381464

Everyone that fished with us was experienced and not too concerned with pics. Literally my first selfies, lol. And the first time I've put my face on a forum, I really have nothing to hide legally anymore. View attachment 4381470 View attachment 4381468

The sun setting on the Redoubt volcano across the bay from the town of Kenai.
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The cabin I stayed inView attachment 4381474

And damn! Weed is expensive up there, lol.
The bellies-are they fatty? Fatty salmon sashimi with a bit of wasabi has to be one of my favorite foods. Damn now I’ve got the raw salmon munchies.
The bellies-are they fatty? Fatty salmon sashimi with a bit of wasabi has to be one of my favorite foods. Damn now I’ve got the raw salmon munchies.
Ya it's a completely different texture because of the oil and fat content, very soft and creamy. I understand why my buddy from up there told me he used to give filets away while hoarding the bellies.
Holy how have I never seen this thread?? Wild

I fish as much as possible and like to dabble in a few diff techniques;
shore fishing, kayak fishing, ice fishing, backcountry canoe trips. Hopefully in 2020 I can get a 16-18ft boat.

Im very lucky to live on the great lakes and have a camp up north of North Bay, Ontario with thousands of lakes within a couple hour drive.

heres some of my fav pics over the last few years.
