Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Looks like a young plant trying to survive in hot and dry conditions. Would that be the case? Do you have a way to know the temperature and relative humidity? Also what’s the ph of the solution you’re giving it.

If you can’t control the heat and relative humidity to bring it to normal range for a young veging plant, then you need to reduce the EC level in your feed considerably to compensate for the hot and dry conditions.
yeah the heat has been bad last few days but i cant determine whether its stress from the heat or over watering. I havent given them nutes yet either so cant be that.


Well-Known Member
It's not overwatering, despite the fact youve got it in a container thats far too big.

I also dont think its nute burn. Could be calcium deficient. What are you feeding, how often are you feeding and what is your ph?


Well-Known Member
yeah the heat has been bad last few days but i cant determine whether its stress from the heat or over watering. I havent given them nutes yet either so cant be that.
Start giving it some cal/mag and light feed. It’s a combination of heat stress and deficiencies. Wether it’s H2o or feed, aim for 5.8ph, and monitor from there.
Kiwgybo88 is on the money, it’s not over watering.


Well-Known Member
any you guys thinking about getting some new stuff for the grow room off ebay or wherever,

borded shitless