Bolton book, Ukraine aid freeze tied to Biden

John Bolton is such an asshole. He had an opportunity to present his evidence at the impeachment hearings but held off to write his book to reveal the bombshell testimony. After the impeachment he decided to agree to to talk as a witnesses knowing the Republican senate would likely not call witnesses. Now the White House has to approve the book? Are they going to make him pull out the part where he testifies Trump told him the military money was held for Biden investigations. Or have the book released after the trial. This is so fucked up. So much corruption.
Trump never threatened any republican senators, and to prove it they're going to explain away every one of trumps lies and crimes. James lankford went so far as to say the aid was tied to the DNC hack, not the Biden investigation. Like it makes a fuck of a difference. I'm more convinced now than ever trump threatened these spineless cowards.
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One would think US oil interests would be outraged over Putin taking over a diplomatic hydrocarbon nation like the Ukraine.
John Bolton is such an asshole. He had an opportunity to present his evidence at the impeachment hearings but held off to write his book to reveal the bombshell testimony. After the impeachment he decided to agree to to talk as a witnesses knowing the Republican senate would likely not call witnesses. Now the White House has to approve the book? Are they going to make him pull out the part where he testifies Trump told him the military money was held for Biden investigations. Or have the book released after the trial. This is so fucked up. So much corruption.

so then Trump* should be removed.
These entire impeachment hearings are a corrupt joke.

We won't find out the whole story until he's out of office on the made for TV movie based on all the books and hidden files that will ultimately come out just like they always do.

Republicans obviously don't mind breaking laws to cheat in elections, as long as they get the planet destroying policies they want.

The only chance is massive voter mobilization this November to hold them responsible. And it's very possible.

That or the discovery of time travel in the future so somebody travels back and stops this shit for the survival of the future.

With 40% of the people brainwashed, we're behind the eight ball here. It's really hard to believe that facts no longer make the definitive difference.

Truth decay will become a stage 4 pandemic. Trump basically says the exact same thing Nixon said, "the press is the enemy".
But in Nixon's time, you only had 3 major networks that reported the same sets of facts. And they were relentless chasing the story for 2 years.

Today you have Fox fake news prime time shit shows, and the fake internet sites just to deny the truth and serve as comfort food for those who choose to be misinformed.

History proves that nobody really benefits by lies for more than a short period of time. The truth is out there, all one has to do is accept it.
John Bolton is such an asshole. He had an opportunity to present his evidence at the impeachment hearings but held off to write his book to reveal the bombshell testimony. After the impeachment he decided to agree to to talk as a witnesses knowing the Republican senate would likely not call witnesses. Now the White House has to approve the book? Are they going to make him pull out the part where he testifies Trump told him the military money was held for Biden investigations. Or have the book released after the trial. This is so fucked up. So much corruption.
Oh, yes, Bolton is a dickhead with a mustache, no doubt about it. But, you underestimate him. He didn't plan to release the information until AFTER the senate had acquitted Trump. The draft that came to light was due to a leak from the NSA (not the WH). Bolton submitted the draft copy to the NSA to ensure he didn't come up for charges of violating national security laws. Somebody leaked the copy to the NYT.
