Bernie Sanders 2020

It's substantiated by Sanders current position in the polls and the attempt by party handlers to do anything they can to foil it, including changing the debate rules mid-primary to allow Michael Bloomberg to buy his way onto the debate stage

If what you claim is true, Sanders would not be poised to take Iowa and New Hampshire and likely win the primary. The only thing you can hope for is that it goes to a brokered convention. Otherwise, Sanders is going to win, and your favored candidate is going to endorse him. Bitter be bitter all you want. Sanders will win without your vote.
Sanders has at best even odds to win the nomination. Five Thirty Eight is the best source I know of and it puts Biden ahead of Sanders at this time.

Sanders current position IS NOT a clear lead. Not even close. I'm quoting other people, not my feelz and not cherry picked polls.

Election Update: Sanders Is Pulling Closer To Biden, But He’s Still Got A Ways To Go

Sanders’s chances are up to 3 in 10 (31 percent) — that’s a 5-point jump in just 48 hours! That’s easily the best chance our model has given Sanders to date.

[Our Latest Forecast: Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Primary?]

With a 2 in 5 (41 percent) shot of winning a majority of pledged delegates, former Vice President Joe Biden still leads our forecast overall, but there’s now far less room separating him from Sanders.

"Sanders WILL win unless "rigged"" isn't based on reality. He has a good chance. Basically a tossup. Get ready for disappointment in case you are wrong and I'll laugh my ass off if you come back with "rigged".
this is not just about Sanders and the DNC anymore..the candidates that were locked out of debate due to ever changing the goal posts to mold the election with candidates they wish? they're going to have a bunch of lawsuits, especially from harris who's a prosecutor and complained about this..same with buttigieg- they're pissed.

Your kind attacked Harris as soon as she started to look like a challenger. Now you cry wolf for her. I hope your dog bites you again.
What part of this do you not understand?
Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged
I don't understand how you would believe the primary was fair when one candidate controlled the organization responsible for electing the nominee and was fed debate questions before the debate took place

You know as well as I do that tilts the election in Clinton's favor. You can't deny it happened because the evidence is out there, so you have to make up reasons to excuse it and pull a quote from Donna Brazile issued for damage control after she had already admitted it. She said she had to call Sanders and apologize because of it. Why would she need to apologize?

These are tough questions, take your time
I don't understand how you would believe the primary was fair when one candidate controlled the organization responsible for electing the nominee and was fed debate questions before the debate took place

You know as well as I do that tilts the election in Clinton's favor. You can't deny it happened because the evidence is out there, so you have to make up reasons to excuse it and pull a quote from Donna Brazile issued for damage control after she had already admitted it. She said she had to call Sanders and apologize because of it. Why would she need to apologize?

These are tough questions, take your time
Your belief is not mine. Explain. What did Clinton do? There is zero evidence that Clinton's campaign or Clinton herself used their financial backing to sway the election. We both know that a negative cannot be proven so the onus lies on you to show proof.

Barring that, then you your theory must hold up to scrutiny. From post election polling, your theory that "Hillary used influence to sway the election" requires that black, Hispanic and women voters are more gullible than white men. In order to back up your theory, you must be able to explain why only white men were not swayed. Where is the evidence of that?

Your theory fails on two counts.