PJ Diaz
Well-Known Member
You've taken many of my statements out of context to cause your own divisiveness. I've always said it's the fault of UCSC as an institution that they have not build adequate housing. Yes the fact that UCSC has enrolled more students than there is ample housing for creates a dynamic in which the overload of students leads to increased housing costs. It's simple supply and demand. I don't fault the students for being students, I fault their institution for poor planning.Ever since you started posting here it's been one divisive bullshit statement after another.
It's a characteristic of Sanders and his cult that they have no capacity to think about anybody other than themselves. To the point where they went crazy when Democrats didn't just hand Sanders the nomination the last time. I think your kind will again hurt the cause of Democrats this time around because Democrats aren't like you. If Sanders wins, we'll gather around him to help him win. If Sanders loses you back biters will shit on us.
We don't need you and your backstabbing either. Why you felt the need to back stab students who were simply exercising their rights to strike at the only time they have leverage is beyond me. What outraged me was that you would falsely smear them for causing high rents. As if a student reduced to sleeping in their car in the woods could even afford them. But smears and false statements are part and parcel of Sanders cult.
So, yeah, I suspect you are a shill for conservatives or a paid Russian troll. I'm not accusing you because I'm not certain but you are on my shit list for all the right wing divisive bullshit you post. You don't regret that. Don't say you do.
You make a lot of presumptions in your post, which is clearly intended to incite, and not intended to bring people together. Your post is full of hypocrisy. You clearly don't intend to unite the Democratic party, or you would take a very different approach. I've voted for Democratic candidates most of the time, but somehow you think Democrats aren't like me. When you make broad statements including words like "your kind" you are really just practicing what you supposedly preach against; division.